.nivo-controlNav a { background-image:url(../nav/nivo-slider-bullets_9c1006.png); }
.nivo-html-caption-text { color:#ffffff; font-size:16px; text-align:center; padding-top:40px; }

.product_table { width:778px; cellpadding:20px; vertical-align:middle; }

.product_rahmen { background-color:#eade92; border-color:#7cb632; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; }
.product_headline { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; align:center; }

.product_zeile { height:42px; margin-bottom: 20px; vertical-align:middle; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }

mt-m { margin-top:10px; }

table.tsubnav td.tsubnav { width:50%; vertical-align:top; text-align:center; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; padding:10px 0; }

.Balken { font-size:16px; font-family:arial; font-weight:bold; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#6FB055; line-height:18px; }
.Artikel { font-size:14px; font-family:arial; font-weight:bold; color:#878787; line-height:15px; }
.SpLi { padding-left:5px; }
.SpRe { text-align:center; }          
.Linie { width:100%; color:#878787; height:2px; margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:30px; }
.Ueberschrift { font-size:40px; font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; color:#6FB055; } 
.Ueberschrift2 { font-size:20px; font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; color:#878787; }          
.Text { font-size:14px; font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; color:#878787; text-align:justify; vertical-align:top; line-height:16pt; }
#errorDummyForUserInput1 { display:none; }

/* eigentlich schon obsolete, temporaer aber noch erhalten */
.float_l { float:left; }
.float_r { float:right; }
.clear_b::after { clear:both; display:block; content:""; }
.clear_l::after { clear:left; display:block; content:""; }
.clear_r::after { clear:right; display:block; content:""; }
.clear { clear:both; display:block; }

/*************************** NEU NEU NEU ***************************/
/*** ---------------------- ***/
/*------------------- Inhalt -*/
/*-------- Kapitel 1: Basics -*/
/*-------------- Allgemeines -*/
/*-------------------- Grids -*/
/*------- spezielle Elemente -*/
/*------------------ Plugins -*/
/*---------------- Abstaende -*/
/*---------------- Schriften -*/
/*------------------- Rahmen -*/
/*------------------- Farben -*/
/*-------------------- float -*/
/*----------------- position -*/
/*----------------- Groessen -*/
/*------------------ display -*/
/*------------- Sichtbarkeit -*/
/*------------------- Cursor -*/
/*-------------- Transitions -*/
/*- Kapitel 2: Media Queries -*/
/*---------------- min 480px -*/
/*---------------- min 680px -*/
/*---------------- min 880px -*/
/*** ---------------------- ***/

/*** Allgemeines ***/
* { box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }

body { -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; -moz-text-size-adjust:none; -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; overflow-x:hidden; background-color:#000000;    }
body, html { margin:0; height:100%; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#3ecbe7; }
body.generator { margin-top:0 !important; }
body.iframe { background:transparent; background-image:none; }
body.mzdummy { background-color:#000000; }
body, html, div { outline:0 none; }

h4 { font-size:1em; color:#3ecbe7; }
h3 { font-size:1.2em; color:#3ecbe7; }
h2 { font-size:1.3em; color:#3ecbe7; }

figure { margin:0; padding:0; }

a { color:#3ecbe7; }
a:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }

hr { background-color:#dddddd; color:#dddddd; border:0; height:1px; }

input, select, textarea, number, password, submit, button, email, tel, url { font-size:1em; padding:0.8em; font-family:Arial,Helvetica; background-color:#000000; color:#ffffff; }
input:not([type="submit"]):disabled, select:disabled, textarea:disabled, number:disabled, password:disabled, email:disabled, tel:disabled, url:disabled { background-color:transparent; }

input[type="submit"] { -webkit-appearance:none; -moz-appearance:none; appearance:none; }
input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button, input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button { -webkit-appearance:none; margin:0; }
input[type="number"] { -moz-appearance:textfield; }

:focus { outline:none; }
/*.button:focus, .button_put2cart:focus, select:focus, input:focus { outline:1px dotted #3ecbe7; }*/
:focus-visible { outline:none !important; box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 2px #271e18; border-radius:3px; }
.paypalppcp .component-frame:focus-visible  {
  box-shadow: none;

/*eigene input-Elemente*/
.checkbox { position:relative; display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; }
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"] { position:absolute; z-index:-1; margin:0; font-size:0; height:0; width:0; visibility:hidden; }
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"] + label { display:inline-block; padding:0.2em; border:1px solid #3ecbe7; border-radius:2px; font-family:'Font Awesome 5 Free'; position:relative; width: 1.5em; height:1.5em; transition:border-color 0.3s; overflow:hidden; background-color:#000000; cursor:pointer; }
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"].error + label { border-color:#ff0000; }
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"] + label::before { position:absolute; top:2px; left:-2em; transition:left 0.3s; content:"\f00c"; font-weight:900; color:#ffffff; }
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label::before { left:0.2em; }
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"]:focus + label { border-color:#271e18; }
.checkbox input[type="checkbox"]:disabled + label { border-color:#000000; }
.checkbox + label { display:inline-block; margin:0.25em 0 0.25em 0;  width:calc(100% - 4em); vertical-align:middle; cursor:pointer; }
.checkbox.checkbox_top + label { vertical-align:top; }
.checkbox.checkbox_bottom + label { vertical-align:bottom; }
.checkbox:not(.hide_1) + label { margin-left:0.7em; }

.radio { background-color:#000000; position:relative; display:inline-block; }
.radio input[type="radio"] { position:absolute; z-index:-1; margin:0; font-size:0; height:0; width:0; }
.radio input[type="radio"] + label { display:inline-block; padding:0.2em; border:1px solid #3ecbe7; border-radius:50%; font-family:'Font Awesome 5 Free'; position:relative; width: 1.5em; height:1.5em; transition:border-color 0.3s; overflow:hidden; }
.radio input[type="radio"] + label::after { position:absolute; display:block; top:50%; left:50%; transform:translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%); -ms-transform:translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%); transition:height 0.3s, width 0.3s; content:""; background-color:#3ecbe7; width:0em; height:0em; overflow:hidden; font-size:2em; border-radius:50%; }
.radio input[type="radio"]:checked + label::after { height:0.5em; width:0.5em; }
.radio input[type="radio"]:focus + label { border-color:#271e18; }
.radio input[type="radio"]:disabled + label { border-color:#000000; }
.radio + label { display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; margin:0.3em 0 0.4em 0.4em; width:calc(100% - 3em); }

.toggle input[type=checkbox] { height:0; width:0; margin:0; visibility:hidden; position:absolute; }
.toggle label { cursor:pointer; text-indent:-9999px; width:30px; height:15px; background:grey; display:block; border-radius:15px; position:relative; }
.toggle.dark label { background:#333; }
.toggle label:after { content:''; position:absolute; top:2px; left:2px; width:11px; height:11px; background:#fff; border-radius:30px; transition:0.3s; }
.toggle input:checked + label { background: #cd0a0a; }
.toggle input:checked + label:after { left:calc(100% - 2px); transform:translateX(-100%); }
.toggle label:active:after { width:20px; }

address { font-style: normal; }
.ellipsis { text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; }

/*eigene Dialogboxen*/
.alert { transform:scale(1.0001); transform-origin:0 0; /*zoom:1.0001;*/ }

/** Browser-Anpassungen **/
img { border-style:none; }

/*** Grids ***/
/**Columns / Spalten**/
.col-2--25-75 { display:-webkit-box; display:-ms-flexbox; display:flex; }
.col-2--25-75 > * {  }
.col-2--25-75 > *:nth-child(1) { width:25%; }
.col-2--25-75 > *:nth-child(2) { width:75%; }

.col-3--25-50-25 { display:-webkit-box; display:-ms-flexbox; display:flex; }
.col-3--25-50-25 > * {  }
.col-3--25-50-25 > *:nth-child(1) { width:25%; }
.col-3--25-50-25 > *:nth-child(2) { width:50%; }
.col-3--25-50-25 > *:nth-child(3) { width:25%; }

/**Rows / Zeilen**/
.row-3--auto-max-auto { display:-webkit-box; display:-ms-flexbox; display:flex; -webkit-box-orient:vertical; -webkit-box-direction:normal; -ms-flex-direction:column; flex-direction:column; -ms-overflow-y:auto; }
.row-3--auto-max-auto > * {  }
.row-3--auto-max-auto > *:nth-child(1) {  }
.row-3--auto-max-auto > *:nth-child(2) { overflow-y:auto; -webkit-box-flex:1; -ms-flex-positive:1; flex-grow:1; }
.row-3--auto-max-auto > *:nth-child(3) {  }

/** Shop-Grid **/
.shop-width { max-width:1200px; }
#shop { position:relative; }
#shop.disable::after { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; right:0; width:100%; height:100%; content:""; display:block; z-index:9002; transition:all 0.4s; }
#Header { width:100%; position:absolute; z-index:9000; border-bottom:1px solid #18515b; }
#Header.sticky { top:0; position:fixed; }
body.desktop #Header {position:relative; z-index:1000; border-bottom:none; }
@media (min-width:880px){
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#Header  #header_content { margin:0 auto; position:relative; }
@media (min-width:880px){
  #Header:not(.style2) { margin:0 auto; }

#Main { display:block; width:100%; margin-top:60px; }
@media (min-width:880px){
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#Middle {}
#Left {}
#Right {}

body:not(.desktop) #logo { display:none; }
#logo { position:absolute; top:10px; left:10px; width:180px; height:100px; }

/** Shop-Design**/
#Header { background-color:#000000;; }
#header_content:not(.button_high):not(.button), #header_content a:not(.button_high):not(.button) { color:#3ecbe7; }
#header_content a:not(.button_high):not(.button):hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
#Header  #header_content { background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:0 center; }
#Header:not(.style2) #header_content { border-style:solid; border-color:#18515b; border-width:0 1px 1px 1px; }

/** Skiplink **/
#skiplink a {
    position: absolute;
    -webkit-transition: top .5s ease-out;
    transition: top .5s ease-out;
    z-index: 100;

#skiplink a:focus {
  position: absolute;
  -webkit-transition: top .05s ease-in;
  transition: top .05s ease-in;

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  #skiplink a {
    transition-duration: 0.001ms !important;
/** Ende Skiplink **/

#Main { background-color:#000000;; }
#Main { border:none; padding:0 10px 10px 10px; }
body.desktop #Main { border-style:solid; border-color:#18515b; border-width:0 1px; padding-bottom:15px; }
@media (min-width:880px) {
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#mobile-header-options { color:#3ecbe7; }
#mobileNavigationTrigger { color:#3ecbe7; border:1px solid #3ecbe7; border-radius:1px; }

#middle-left-right { display:flex; display:-ms-flexbox; flex-direction:column; -ms-flex-direction:column; }
#Middle { display:block; padding:0; width:100%; order:1; -ms-flex: 1 0 auto; -ms-flex-order:1; }
#Left { display:block; padding:0; width:100%; display:none; order:2; -ms-flex: 1 0 auto; -ms-flex-order:2; }
#Left:not(:empty) { display:block; padding-top:15px; }
#Right { display:block; padding:0; width:100%; display:none; order:3; -ms-flex: 1 0 auto; -ms-flex-order:3; }
#Right:not(:empty) { display:block; padding-top:15px; }

#Left > *:not(:first-child) { margin-top:15px; }
#Right > *:not(:first-child) { margin-top:15px; }
#Left > *:first-child { margin-top:0; }
#Right > *:first-child { margin-top:0; }

/* Footer-Grid */
body.desktop .footercol.col_2 { width:50%; }
body.desktop .footercol.col_3 { width:33.33%; }
body.desktop .footercol.col_4 { width:25%; }
body.desktop .footercol.col_5 { width:20%; }
@media (min-width:880px) {
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  .footercol.col_4 { width:25%; }
  .footercol.col_5 { width:20%; }

#Footer { width:100%; background-color:#000000;; border-style:solid; border-color:#18515b; border-width:2px 1px 1px 1px; border-top-color:#3ecbe7; }
#Footer, #Footer a:not(.button_default) { color:#3ecbe7; }
#Footer a:not(.button_default):hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
#Footer:not(.style2) { margin:0 auto; }
#footer_content { margin:0 auto; overflow:hidden; }
#footer_content::after { clear:left; content:""; display:block; }
#footer_content > .footercol { padding:15px; padding-bottom:32768px; margin-bottom:-32768px; }
#footer_content .footercol_content { padding-bottom:15px; }
.footercol_content .item { display:inline-block; margin-bottom:0.8em; }
.footercol_content .item:not(:last-child) { margin-right:0.8em; }
body.desktop #footer_content > .footercol { float:left; }
#footer_content > .footercol:not(:last-child) { border-bottom:1px solid #18515b; }
body.desktop #footer_content > .footercol:not(:last-child) { border-bottom:none; }
body.desktop #footer_content > .footercol:not(:last-child) { border-right:1px solid #18515b; }
@media (min-width:880px) {
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  #footer_content > .footercol:not(:last-child) { border-bottom:none; }
  #footer_content > .footercol:not(:last-child) { border-right:1px solid #18515b; }
* + .content_block { margin-top:15px; }

.footermenu { margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; }
.footermenu li { padding-top:0.4em; }
.footermenu li a { text-decoration:none; }
.footermenu .open-submenu { display:none; }

#footer_mwst, #shopversion { border-top-style:solid; border-top-color:#18515b; border-top-width:1px; padding:0.8em 15px; text-align:center; font-size:0.9em; color:#aaaaaa; }
#footer_mwst a:not(.button_default), #shopversion a:not(.button_default) { color:#aaaaaa; }
#footer_mwst a:not(.button_default):hover,#shopversion a:not(.button_default):hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
#shopversion:empty { display:none; }

/** header-options **/
.header_options { position:absolute; top:0; right:-1px; width:100%; }
.header_options::after { clear:left; content:""; display:block; }
.header_options .option { line-height:30px; padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; float:left; border-style:solid; border-width:0 0 1px 1px; border-color:#3ecbe7; background: #18515b; /* Old browsers */background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%, #18515b 100%); /* FF3.6+ */background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#18515b), color-stop(100%,#18515b)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* IE10+ */background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* W3C */filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#18515b', endColorstr='#18515b',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 fallback on horizontal gradient */; }
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.header_options .option { width:100%; }
body.desktop .header_options .option { width:auto; }
@media (min-width:880px) {
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/** Sprachwechsel, Waehrungswechsel **/
#language_choice_content, #currency_choice_content { position:relative; padding:0; }
#language_choice .language, #currency_choice .currency { padding:0 0.8em; }
#language_choice .language_container, #currency_choice .currency_container { background: #18515b; /* Old browsers */background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%, #18515b 100%); /* FF3.6+ */background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#18515b), color-stop(100%,#18515b)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* IE10+ */background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* W3C */filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#18515b', endColorstr='#18515b',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 fallback on horizontal gradient */; position:absolute; top:30px; right:-1px; z-index:100; white-space:nowrap; }
#currency_choice .currency_container.loading::before { content:"" }
#currency_choice .currency.active { display:inline-block; }

#mobileUser .language, #mobileUser .currency { padding:0.4em 0 !important; }
#mobileUser .language.active, #mobileUser .currency.active { padding:0 !important; }
#mobileUser .language_container, #mobileUser .currency_container { padding-top:0.4em; }
#mobileUser .language_container, #mobileUser .currency_container { background:transparent; position:static; width:100%; border:none; }

#more-options-mobile-content > * { padding:0.8em; }
#more-options-mobile-content > *:not(:last-child) { border-bottom:1px solid #18515b; }

.dropdown { position:relative; padding-right:1em; }
.dropdown::after { content:'\f0d7'; font-family:'Font Awesome 5 Free'; font-weight:bold; position:absolute; top:0; right:0.4em; }

/** Navigation-Grid **/
.h_menu { display:flex; display:-ms-flexbox; flex-wrap:wrap; -ms-flex-wrap:wrap;  }
ul.h_menu, .h_menu ul { padding:0; margin:0; list-style-type:none; }
.h_menu ul:not(.level2)::after { clear:both; content:""; display:block; }
.h_menu li.level0 { padding:0; margin:0; display:block; }
.h_menu li > a { padding:1em; display:block; text-decoration:none; }
.h_menu ul.level1 { display:none; }

#topnav { background-color:#000000;; }
#topnav .h_menu li.level0 > a { padding:0.8em 15px; line-height:2em; transition:color 0.3s; color:#3ecbe7; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:bold; height:100%; }
#topnav .h_menu > li.active > a, #topnav .h_menu > li.inpath > a { background-color:#18515b;; transition-delay:0.2s; }
#topnav.fixed { z-index:1000; position:fixed; top:0; left:50%; width:100%; transform:translateX(-50%) scale(1.001); transform-origin:0 0; /*transform:translateX(-50%); -ms-transform:translateX(-50%); zoom:1.001;*/ }
#topnav.style2, #topnav_placeholder #topnav, #topnav.style1 #topnav_content { width:100%; max-width:none; }

#topnav_sub { border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#18515b; }
#topnav_sub.style2 { width:100%; max-width:none; border-width:1px 0; }
#topnav_sub.style1 #topnav_sub_content { width:100%; max-width:none; }
#naviPos6.h_menu li > a { padding:0.8em 15px; font-weight:bold; }

.h_menu.megamenu { position:relative; }
.h_menu.megamenu > li > ul { position:absolute; left:0; width:100%; padding:0.8em; }
.h_menu.megamenu:not(.touch) > li:hover, .h_menu.megamenu.touch > li.opened { overflow:visible; }
.h_menu.megamenu:not(.touch) > li:hover > ul, .h_menu.megamenu.touch > li.opened > ul { visibility:visible; }
.h_menu.megamenu:not(.touch) > li:hover > a, .h_menu.megamenu.touch > li.opened > a { position:relative; }
.h_menu.megamenu.touch > li > ul a.opened { color:#3ecbe7; }
.h_menu.megamenu li.level0.children > a::after { content:""; visibility:hidden; transition-delay:0.2s; }
.h_menu.megamenu:not(.touch) li.level0.children:hover > a::after, .h_menu.megamenu.touch li.level0.children.opened > a::after { position:absolute; bottom:-1em; left:50%; transform:translateX(-50%); -ms-transform:translateX(-50%); border-width:1em 1em 0 1em; border-color:#3ecbe7 transparent transparent; border-style:solid; z-index:101; content:""; visibility:visible; transition-delay:0.2s; }
.h_menu.megamenu ul.level1 { background-color:#000000; padding:1em 2em; box-shadow:0px 8px 8px -8px #aaaaaa; display:block; visibility:hidden; transition-delay:0.2s;}
.h_menu.megamenu li.level1 { display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; margin-top:0.5em; width:19.5%; }
.h_menu.megamenu li.level1 > a { padding-bottom:0; color:#3ecbe7; font-weight:bold; min-height: 3.5em; }
.h_menu.megamenu li.level2 { padding:0.4em 0; }
.h_menu.megamenu li.level2 > a { padding:0 1em; }
.h_menu.megamenu ul.level2 ul { display:none; }
.h_menu .open-submenu { display:none; }

.h_menu a:not(.level1).smallgraphic > .img { display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; width:32px; height:2em; position:relative; }
.h_menu a:not(.level1).smallgraphic > .img > img { max-width:100%; max-height:100%; width:auto; height:auto; position:absolute; left:0; top:50%; -ms-transform:translateY(-50%); transform:translateY(-50%); }
.h_menu a:not(.level1).smallgraphic > .text { padding-left:8px; }
.h_menu a:not(.level1) .text { display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; }
.h_menu a.level1.smallgraphic > .img { display:block; }
.h_menu a.level1.smallgraphic > .img > img { max-width:100%; max-height:10em; width:auto; height:auto; display:block; }
.h_menu a.level1.smallgraphic > .text { display:block; margin-top:0.4em; }

.desktop_nav { display:none; }
#header_content { height:0; }
#topnav_content, #topnav_sub_content { margin:0 auto; }

/*vertkales Menue*/
body.desktop .v_menu { border-style:solid; border-width:1px 1px 0 1px; border-color:#18515b; }
@media (min-width:880px){
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.v_menu a span.bezeichung { display:block; transition:transform 0.2s; transition-delay:0.2s; }

ul.v_menu, .v_menu ul { padding:0; margin:0; list-style-type:none; }
.v_menu ul:not(.level0) { display:none; }

.v_menu li { position:relative; padding:0; margin:0; display:block; background-color:#000000;}
.v_menu li:not(.level0).active > a { color:#3ecbe7; }
.v_menu li > a { padding:1em; display:block; text-decoration:none; }
.v_menu li a, .v_menu_mobile { border-bottom:1px solid #18515b; }
.v_menu li.inpath a { border-bottom:0; }
.v_menu ul a { border-bottom:0; }
.v_menu li.inpath ul ul { border-top:0; }
.v_menu li.inpath a { }
.v_menu li.inpath ul a { border-bottom:0; }
.v_menu li ul { background-color:#000000; }
.v_menu li > ul > li { padding-left:1em; }
.v_menu li.level0 ul { display:none; }
.v_menu li.level0 ul.open_nav { display:block; }
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.v_menu .graphicfirst > span {  }
.v_menu .graphicfirst > span > img { max-height:2em; max-width:100%; }

/*mehr Anzeigen*/
.h_menu li.morelink, .h_menu.megamenu li.morelink, .v_menu li.morelink, .morelink { display:none; }
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/*kleines Menue*/
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/*mobiles Menue*/
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/** Breadcrumb **/
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#markenauswahl + #breadcrumb > div { padding-left:15px; padding-top:0.9em; vertical-align:middle; }

/** Filternavigation **/
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.filteritem.type4.active > label { border-bottom:1px solid #3ecbe7; color:#3ecbe7; font-weight:bold; }

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.morefilteritemsFooter { cursor:pointer; }

/** Artikel-Grid **/
/* catalog grid */
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/*catalog design*/
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.catalog article .agerating_s { position:absolute; bottom:0.8em; left:0.8em; }

/*tiles grid*/
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.tiles.grid > * { width:100%; }
/*tiles design*/
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/*catblog grid*/
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/*catblog design*/
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.catblog.design article .desc { padding:0.8em 0.8em 0; text-align:center; }
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.catblog article .agerating_s { display:inline-block; }
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@media (pointer: fine){
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/*catblog Inhalte*/
.catblog .oldprice { display:inline; }
.catblog .oldprice + .itemprice { display:inline; }

/* subnavi */
.subnavi .pic { display: flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; }

/*subnavi grid*/
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.subnavi .item > div { height:100%; }
.subnavi.grid .pic:not(:empty) { height:120px; }

/*subnavi design*/
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.subnavi.design .text { margin-top:0.8em; text-align:center; }
.subnavi.design .text img { max-width:100%; }

/** Produktdetail **/
article.product > section { padding:0.8em 0; }
.product .picture { float:left; width:100%; }
.product .details { float:right; width:100%; margin-top:10px; }
.product .details .border-and-padding { background-color:#000000; border:1px solid #18515b; }
.product .functions > .border-and-padding { border:1px solid #18515b; background-color:#000000; padding:0.8em; }
#product #form_eingabe > *:first-child { margin-top:0; }
.product .priceandmore > *:first-child { margin-top:0; }
/* UVP */
.uvp-ehemaliger { display:none; }

/* Artikelbilder in Detailansicht */
.apics { text-align:center; position:relative; top:0; left:0; margin-top:-1px; }
.apics:empty { margin-top:0; }
.apics #detailimage { text-align:center; width:100%; }

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.apics .detailimage_wrapi { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; right:0; }

.apics #slider { height:52px; transition:height 1.0s; overflow:hidden; }

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.apics #detailimage .pic:empty { padding-top:1px; }
.apics #detailimage span.makeheight { display:inline-block; width:0; }
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.slider img { opacity:0.7; }
.slider img:hover, .slider .active-img > img { opacity:1; }

#slider img { max-height:52px; }

#detailimage_zoom { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; }
.elevatezoom_detail { max-width:100%; }
.aslimbox img { max-width:100%; }

.zoomWindowContainer > div { height:100% !important; width:100% !important; }
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.slidebar .slider a.mz-thumb img { opacity:1; }

/* crossselling */
.catalog.product article .pic { padding:0 0.8em 0 0; min-height:auto; height:3em; width:auto; }

/* Staffelrabatt */
.pricescale { position:relative; }
.pricescale .pricescale_visible { cursor:pointer; padding:5px 0; font-weight:bold; font-size:1.2em; }
.pricescale .pricescale_table { display:none; transform:translateX(0); -ms-transform:translateX(0); }

.pricescale .pricescale_table table td { padding:5px; border:0 solid #18515b; }
.pricescale .pricescale_table table td:last-child { border:none; padding-left:15px; }
.pricescale .pricescale_table table td:first-child { border-right-width:1px; }
.pricescale .pricescale_table table td:nth-child(2) > span { display:block; }

.pricescale .pricescale_baseprice .indicator:empty,
.pricescale .pricescale_baseprice .indicator:empty + span { display:none; }
.pricescale .pricescale_baseprice { font-size:0.8em; white-space:nowrap; }
.pricescale .show_table { display:inline-block; }
.pricescale .show_table::before { content:"\f0fe"; font-family:"Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-weight:300; padding-right:5px; }
.pricescale .show_table::after { content:""; display:none; clear:right; }
.pricescale.show_all .pricescale_table { display:inline-block; }
.pricescale.show_all .show_table::before { content:"\f146"; }

.catblog .item.show_all { overflow:visible; z-index:900; }
.catblog .item.show_all .inneritem { overflow: visible; min-height: 100%; height: auto; }

.catalog .pricescale_table { text-align:center; }

/** merken oder nicht merken **/
.memorise.gemerkt .can-memorise, .memorise:not(.gemerkt) .is-memorise { display:none; }

/** Butten zum Produkt **/
.toProductButton { display:none; position:absolute; bottom:3em; left:0; width:100%; }
.toProductButton { display:block; }
.catblog.design article > .position-and-dimensions-anchor > div { padding-bottom:6em; }

/** Suche **/
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body.desktop #search { position:absolute; top:56px; width:300px; padding:0; }
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#searchi { position:relative; }
#SearchStr, #SearchStrUnderlay { width:100%; padding-right:2.6em; margin-top:0; }
#SearchStrUnderlay { z-index:-1; position:absolute; top:0; }
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.search button[type="submit"]::before { content:'\f002'; }
.search button[type="submit"]:hover, .search button[type="submit"]:active { color:#3ecbe7; }

/** Bestellungen / Retoure **/
.order-open > div { text-align:center; padding:5px; margin:0; }
.order-open > div > span { transition:transform 0.5s; }
.order-open > div.show > span { transform:rotate(180deg); -ms-transform:rotate(180deg); }
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.order-address:hover .order-address-content { display:block; }
.order-address-content, .order-more-numbers { line-height:1.5em; }
.order-pay .order-discount { top:1em; }
.order-pay:hover .order-discount { display:block; }
.order-info .order-orderNr { position:relative; text-align:right; font-style:italic; }
.order-info .order-orderNr > div:empty { display:none; }
.order-info .order-orderNr:hover .order-more-numbers { display:block; }
.order-content { display:none; }
.order-position:first-child { border:none; }
.order-position .order-pos-pic img { max-width:100%; max-height:150px; }
.order-position.child { border-top:none; }

.retoureadrblock:first-child { border:none; }
.order-retoure-pos { padding-left:3em; }
.order-retoure-pos .retoure-pos-pic img { max-width:100%; width:100%; }

.retoure-check-pos:not(:first-child) { margin-top:15px; }
.retoure-check-pos-pic img { max-width:100%; width:100%; }

/** Konfiguratorfilter **/
#konfigurator {  }
#konfigurator .ebene { padding:0; margin:0; height:0; opacity:0; overflow:hidden; transition:opacity 0.5s; position:relative; }
#konfigurator .ebene.showConfiguratorLevel { height:auto; opacity:1; padding:15px 0; margin:15px 0; }
#konfigurator .ebene::after { clear:left; content:""; display:block; }
#konfigurator .ebene .filterLevelName { text-align:center; font-size:2em; margin-bottom:0.5em; padding-bottom:0.5em; border-style:solid; border-width:0 0 1px 0; border-color:#18515b; }
#konfigurator .ebene .filterLevelName > span {  }
#konfigurator .ebene .filterWrapper { width:100%; position:relative; }
#konfigurator .ebene .filter { padding:15px; }
#konfigurator .filter > a { display:block; overflow:hidden; width:100%; height:100%; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; position:relative; }
#konfigurator .filter > a:focus { outline:0; }
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#konfigurator .filter > a > span { display:block; width:100%; font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold; padding:10px 1.5em; }
#konfigurator .filter > a.selected, #konfigurator .filter > a.selected:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
#konfigurator .filter > a.selected > img { border-color:#3ecbe7; }

#konfigurator .slider-item.selected { border:2px solid red; }

/** Datenschutzseite **/
#datenschutz #middle > div:not(#headline) { line-height:1.8em; }
#datenschutz ol { padding:0; margin:0; counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; }
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#datenschutz ol > li::before { counter-increment:section; content:counters(section,'.') '. '; }
#datenschutz ol > li > * { font-weight:normal; font-size:1rem; }
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#datenschutz ol > li > ol { margin-left:1em; }
#datenschutz ol > li ul { list-style-type:square; }
#datenschutz dt { margin:1em 0 0.5em 0; font-weight:bold; }
#datenschutz .datenschutzbeauftragter p { margin:0.1em 0; }

/** Empfehlungen RDE **/
.rdecontent .item { position:relative; }
.rdecontent .offer-info { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; padding:0.5em; background:rgba(255,255,255,0.8); }
.rdecontent .eek { height:1.5em; }
.rdecontent .productdata { line-height:1.5em; }
.rde.re_catblog .productname { height:auto; }
.rde.re_catalog { margin-top:15px; }
.rde + .rde { margin-top:15px; }

/*** spezielle Elemente ***/

/** Icons **/
/*Font Awesome*/
 *  Font Awesome Free - 5.7.0
 *  License - Font Awesome Free license: https://fontawesome.com/license/free.
 *  Icons: CC BY 4.0 License
 * -------------------------- */
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.microphone_icon::before { content:"\f130"; } /*Microfoenchen*/
.microphone_slash_icon::before { content:"\f131"; } /*Microfoenchen mit Slash*/
.wishlist_icon-a::before { content:"\f02e"; } /*Faehnchen*/
.wishlist_icon-b::before { content:"\f02e"; } /*Faehnchen voll*/
.availability_icon::before { content:"\f0c8"; } /*Verfuegbarkeit*/
.cart_icon::before { content:"\f07a"; } /*Warenkoerbchen*/
.delete_icon::before { content:"\f2ed"; } /*Muelltonnchen*/
.refresh_icon::before { content:"\f2f1"; } /*Kreispfeilchen*/
.save_icon::before { content:"\f0c7"; } /*Diskettchen*/
.forbidden_icon::before { content:"\f05e"; } /*Verbotenschildchen*/
.house_icon::before { content:"\f015"; } /*Haeuschen*/
.check_icon::before { content:"\f00c"; } /*Haekchen*/
.close_icon::before { content:"\f00d"; } /*Kreuzchen*/
.pencil-icon::before { content:"\f303"; } /*Stiftchen*/
.loading-icon::before, .spinner_icon::before { content:"\f110"; } /*Kringelchen*/
.pdf_data-icon::before { content:"\f1c1"; } /*pdf-auf-Blaettchen*/
.zip_data-icon::before, ._data-icon::before { content:"\f1c6"; } /*zip-auf-Blaettchen*/
.video_data-icon::before { content:"\f1c8"; } /*video-auf-Blaettchen*/
.user_icon::before { content: "\f007"; } /*Maennchen*/
.search_icon::before { content: "\f002"; } /*Lupchen*/
.envelope_icon::before { content:"\f0e0"; } /*Umschlagchen*/
.phone_icon::before { content:"\f095"; } /*Telefonchen*/
.fax_icon::before { content:"\f1ac"; } /*Faxchen*/
.sign-in_icon::before { content:"\f2f6"; } /*Anmeldenchen*/
.sign-out_icon::before { content:"\f2f5"; } /*Abmeldenchen*/
.guenstiger_icon:before { content:"\f155"; } /*Dollarchen*/
.recommend_icon::before { content:"\f164"; } /*Daeumchen*/
.percent_icon::before { content:"\f295"; } /*Prozentchen*/
.marker_icon::before { content:"\f3c5"; } /*Markerchen*/
.shop_icon::before { content:"\f54f"; } /*Ladenchen*/
.menu_icon::before { content:"\f0c9"; } /*Menuechen*/
.list_icon::before { content:"\f00b"; } /*Listchen*/
.tiles_icon::before { content:"\f00a"; } /*Kachelchen*/
.smallList_icon::before { content:"\f0ca"; } /*kleines Listchen*/
.id_icon::before { content:'\f2c2'; } /*IDchen*/
.gift_icon::before { content:'\f06b'; } /*Geschenkchen*/
.sticky_icon::before { content:'\f249'; } /*Notizchen*/
.calendar_icon::before { content:'\f073'; } /*Kalenderchen*/
.comment_icon::before { content:'\f075'; } /*Textchen*/
.truck_icon::before { content:"\f0d1"; } /*LKWchen*/
.map_icon::before { content:"\f279"; } /*Kaertchen*/
.mapman_icon::before { content:"\f21d"; } /*Nananana Mapman*/
.poll_icon::before { content:"\f681"; } /*Statistikchen*/
.shop_icon::before { content:"\f54f"; } /*Shopchen*/
.doc_icon::before { content:"\f15c"; }
.link_icon::before { content:"\f35d"; }
.cog_icon::before { content:"\f4fe"; } /*Zahnraedchen an Maennchen*/
.nakedCog_icon::before { content:"\f013"; } /*Zahnraedchen*/
.location_arrow::before { content:"\f124"; color:#4285F4; } /* blaues Ortspfeilchen */
.plus_icon::before { content:"\f067"; }
.plus-square_icon::before { content:"\f0fe"; }
.minus_icon::before { content:"\f068"; }
.minus-square_icon::before { content:"\f146"; }
.cube_icon::before { content:"\f1b2"; } /*Wuerfelchen*/
.money_icon::before { content:"\f3d1"; } /*Geldscheinchen*/
.card_icon::before { content:"\f09d"; } /*Kaertchen*/
.sticker_icon::before{ content:"\f0a3"; }
.pickup_icon::before { content:"\f4ce"; } /*Abholung*/
.dollar_alt_icon::before { content:"\f651"; } /*Dollar in Blase*/
.dollar_hand_icon::before { content:"\f4c0"; } /*Dollar in Hand*/
.leaf_icon::before { content:"\f06c"; } /*Baumblaettchen*/
.crown_icon::before { content:"\f521"; } /*Kroenchen*/
.file_icon::before { content:"\f574"; }
.mesure_icon::before { content:"\f546"; } /*Linealchen Ecke*/
.mesure2_icon::before { content:"\f548"; } /*Linealchen hoch*/
.back_icon::before { content:"\f060"; } /*Zurueckchen*/
.bike_icon::before { content:"\f84a" } /*Fahrradchen*/
.speech_icon::before { content:"\f075"; }
.speechd_icon::before { content:"\f4ad"; }
.print_icon::before { content:"\f02f" } /*Druckerchen*/

.minimize_icon::before { content:"\f2d1"; }
.maximize_icon::before { content:"\f2d0" }

.worldmap::before {
  font-family:"Font Awesome 5 free"; display:block; font-weight:bold;

.star_icon::before { content:"\f005"; } /*Sternchen*/
.warning_icon::before { content:"\f071"; } /*Hinweischen*/
.info_icon::before { content:"\f05a"; } /*Ausrufezeichen in Kullerchen*/
.nakedInfo_icon::before { content:"\f129"; } /*Ausrufezeichenchen*/
.question_icon::before { content:"\f059" } /*Fragechen*/

.down_icon::before { content:"\f0d7"; } /*Runter-Pfeilchen*/
.up_icon::before { content:"\f0d8" } /*Hoch-Pfeilchen*/
.up-sqr_icon::before { content:"\f151" } /*Hoch-Pfeilchen im Kasten*/
.to-start_icon::before { content:"\f048"; } /*Ganz-Links-Pfeilchen*/
.to-end_icon::before { content:"\f051"; } /*Ganz-Rechts-Pfeilchen*/
.next_icon::before { content:"\f04b"; transform:scaleX(0.7); -ms-transform:scaleX(0.7); display:inline-block; } /*Rechts-Pfeilchen*/
.prev_icon::before { content:"\f04b"; transform:rotate(180deg) scaleX(0.7); -ms-transform:rotate(180deg) scaleX(0.7); display:inline-block; } /*Links-Pfeilchen*/
.angle-r_icon::before { content:"\f105"; } /*Rechts-Spitzchen*/
.angle-l_icon::before { content:"\f104"; } /*Links-Spitzchen*/
.angle-u_icon::before { content:"\f106"; } /*Oben-Spitzchen*/
.angle-d_icon::before { content:"\f107"; } /*Unten-Spitzchen*/
.arrow-down_icon::before { content:"\f063" } /*Pfeilchen nach unten*/
.arrow-up_icon::before { content:"\f062"; } /*Pfeilchen nach oben*/
.double-arrow_icon::before { content:"\f338" } /*Pfeilchen hoch runter*/

/*Marken .fab*/
.amazonpay_icon::before { content:"\f42c"; }
.amazon_icon::before { content:"\f270"; }
.facebook_icon::before { content:"\f39e"; }
.twitter_icon::before { content:"\f099"; }

/*icon colors*/
.icon-green { color:green; }
.icon-yellow { color:yellow; }
.icon-red { color:red; }

/*icon position*/
.icon-before-text { display:flex; align-items:center; }
.icon-before-text > .fa { margin-right:0.4em; }

/** Effekte **/
/* Animationen */
.bounce_down { animation:bouncer_down 500ms ease-out alternate; }
@keyframes bouncer_down {
  0% { top:0; }
  100% { top:1em; }

.bounce_up { animation:bouncer_up 500ms ease alternate; }
@keyframes bouncer_up {
  0% { bottom:0; }
  100% { bottom:1em; }

.spin { animation:spinner 1500ms linear; }
@keyframes spinner {
  0% { transform:rotate(0deg); }
  100% { transform:rotate(360deg); }
.spin_rev { animation:spinner_rev 1500ms linear; }
@keyframes spinner_rev {
  0% { transform:rotate(0deg); }
  100% { transform:rotate(-360deg); }

.pulse { animation:pulsar 1500ms ease-out }
@keyframes pulsar {
  from {
  to {

.animate_infinite, .loop { animation-iteration-count:infinite; }

.slider-enter-active, .slider-leave-active { transition:height 0.3s ease-in-out; overflow:hidden; }
.slider-enter, .slider-leave-to { height:0; }

/* Filter */
.filter_gray { filter:grayscale(100); }
.with-blur { filter:blur(7px) }

/* Hover */
@media (pointer: fine){
  .hover-effect { transition:transform 0.3s, box-shadow 0.3s; }
  .hover-effect:hover { transform:translateY(-7px); box-shadow:0 0 10px #aaaaaa; }

.disable.with-dark::after { background-color:rgba(85,85,85,0.8); }

/* Verfuegbarkeitsanzeige */
.availability .icon { position:relative; margin-left:0.4em; }
.availability .icon:before { content:"\f0c8"; font-size:14px; }
.availability .icon:after { content:"\f0c8"; position:absolute; top:1px; left:1px; font-size:12px; }
.availability .gruen { color:#03bf00; } /*Hauptfarbe*/
.availability .gruen.fa:before { color:#03A200; } /*Rand*/
.availability .gelb { color:#FFD42C; }
.availability .gelb.fa:before { color:#D8B324; }
.availability .rot { color:#d30000; }
.availability .rot.fa:before { color:#940000; }
.availability .icon + .text { margin-left:0.4em; }
.availability .text[data-content=""] { display:none; }
.cartpos .availability span { font-weight:bold; }

/* Bewertungssternchen */
#product_stars:hover > #stars_view { display:table; }
#stars_view { position:absolute; top:20px; right:0; display:none; width:250px; z-index:2000; }
.evaluation span { margin-right:2px; }
.evaluation_row_quant { padding-left:5px; }
.evaluation_row_bg { width:60%; position:relative; height:20px; margin:4px 0; }
.evaluation_row_bg:last-child { margin-bottom:0; }
.evaluation_row_bg:first-child { margin-top:0; }
.evaluation_row { height:20px; background-color:#ffd42c; position:relative; }
.evaluation_row:after { display:block; height:100%; width:100%; content:''; position:absolute; top:0; left:0;
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(255,255,255,0.75) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.75)), color-stop(100%,rgba(255,255,255,0))); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(255,255,255,0.75) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
  background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(255,255,255,0.75) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
  background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(255,255,255,0.75) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 100%); /* IE10+ */
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  rgba(255,255,255,0.75) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 100%); /* W3C */
  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#bfffffff', endColorstr='#00ffffff',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */

#star_selection { unicode-bidi:bidi-override; direction:rtl; display:inline-block; }
#star_selection > span { color:#18515b; position:relative; display:inline-block; margin:0 1px; }
#star_selection > span:hover:before,
#star_selection > span:hover ~ span:before,
#star_selection > span.eval_mark:before,
#star_selection > span.eval_mark ~ span:before,
.evaluation .star_full { color:#ffd42c; }

.star_full { color:#ffd42c; }
.star_empty { color:#dddddd; }

/* Admin Icon */
#adminicon { position:fixed; bottom:0; left:0; padding:4px 4px 24px 8px; }
#adminicon span:after { content:"\f0ad"; font-size:2em; }
#adminicon.isadmin_ { display:none; }

 * Swiper 9.4.1
 * Most modern mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions
 * https://swiperjs.com
 * Copyright 2014-2023 Vladimir Kharlampidi
 * Released under the MIT License
 * Released on: June 13, 2023

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/* Fraction */
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/* Progress */
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/* a11y */
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swiper-container .swiper-notification {
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/** e-vendo Ergaenzung fuer Swiper */
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/** Carousel **/
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.carousel.noslide .carousel-button { display:none; }

/** Slideshow **/
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/** Artikelslider **/
.articleslider {}
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.articleslider .price { text-align:center; }

/** Slidepanel und Trigger **/
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.slidepanel_close:hover, .slidepanel_close:active { cursor:pointer; }

/* Warenkorb-Vorschau, Merkzettel-Vorschau */
.triggerWishlistSmall { border:0 solid #3ecbe7; border-width:0 1px 1px 1px; background-color:#000000; }

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/** Lightbox **/
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.vel-img { background:white !important; padding:10px; }
.afancybox > img { max-width:100%; }

/** Breite e. Spalte in Abh. v. Anzahl d. Spalten **/
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.col-3 > * { width:33.33%; }
.col-4 > * { width:25%; }
.col-5 > * { width:20%; }
.col-6 > * { width:16.66%; }

/* Paketdienst-Auswahlbutton */
#deliveryservices .deliveryservice:hover, #deliveryservices .deliveryservice:hover > * { background-color: #000000; }

#speedbar::after { clear:left; content:""; display:block; }
#speedbar > * { position:relative; text-align:center; float:left; display:block; }
#speedbar > *::before { display:block; position:absolute; top:1.8em; left:0; height:5px; width:100%; content:""; }
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.sp_icon.sp_active::before { content:"\f303"; }
.sp_icon.sp_disabled { background-color:#18515b; }
.sp_icon.sp_disabled::before { content:"\f110"; }

/** Checkoutprozess **/
.gocheckout { margin:15px 0; }
.gocheckout_forward { text-align:center; }
.gocheckout_back { text-align:center; }
.gocheckout_forward > input { white-space:normal; }

@media (min-width:480px){
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.checkout .paymentsystem_info { padding-top:15px; }
.checkout_process .checkout_content,
body.desktop .checkout_process #loginarea { max-width:920px; margin:0 auto; }
#checkboxes > div { margin-top:10px; }
#checkboxes > div:first { margin-top:0; }
#PaymentMethod_area > .content:hover, #shippingmethod_area > .content:hover { /*background-color: #000000;*/ box-shadow: 0 0 5px #3ecbe7; }

/** Service-Page **/
body.service .content { width:600px; padding:20px; margin:50px auto; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; background-color:#000000; }

/** Energeeffizienzklassen **/
#eek_label { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; text-align:center; }
#eek_label_img { max-width:100%; max-height:100%; }
#eek_label_close { position:absolute; top:0.2em; right:0.4em; color:#333333; cursor:pointer; }
.eek_img { max-height:2em; width:auto; }
.rdecontent .eek_img { max-height:1.5em; margin-top:0; }
.rdecontent .eek_rde { float:left; }
.catblog .energy {}

/** Markenslider **/
#markenslider { margin-top:15px;}
#markenslider .markenslider-item { padding:0 0.8em; }
#markenslider .markenslider-item img { max-height:50px; max-width:100%; }

/** Links **/
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.lightlink.after::after { content:"\00BB"; margin-left:0.4em; }
.lightlink > span { vertical-align:middle }

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/** Video/Bild **/
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.vimeo_placeholder:not(.playing):hover::before { opacity:1; }

/** Neu-Banderole **/
.new_sleeve { position:absolute; top:-28px; left:-51px; transform-origin:120px; -ms-transform-origin:120px; transform:rotate(-45deg); -ms-transform:rotate(-45deg); width:120px; padding:0.2em; font-size:1.3em; text-align:center; background-color:#000000;; color:#3ecbe7; opacity:0.8; }

/** Aktion-Banderole **/
.sale_sleeve { position:absolute; top:-40px; left:-55px; transform-origin:100px; -ms-transform-origin:100px; transform:rotate(-45deg); -ms-transform:rotate(-45deg); width:100px; padding:0.3em 0 0.2em 0; font-size:1.3em; text-align:center; background-color:#cd0a0a; color:#3ecbe7; opacity:0.8; }
.childitem .sale_sleeve { display:none; }

.sale_sticker { padding:1em; position:relative; font-size:1.6em; }
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/** Warenkorb-Button **/
.button_put2cart { background-color:#000000;; transition:background-color 0.3s; border:none; border-radius:4px; cursor:pointer; color:#3ecbe7; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; padding:0.8em; }
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.button_put2cart.forbidden { cursor:not-allowed; }
.button_put2cart.forbidden::before { content:"\f05e"; }
.button_put2cart:hover { background-color:#18515b;; }

.product-main-info .button_put2cart::before,.product_varianten .button_put2cart::before { margin-right:0.8em; font-size:1.8em; vertical-align:middle; }

/** Warenkorbfeld **/
.cartfield::after { clear:left; content:""; display:block; }
.cartfield .unit { float:left; margin-top:0.4em; }
.cartfield input { min-width:0; }
.field_put2cart { border:1px solid #18515b; padding:0.8em; width:60%; text-align:center; }
/*+,- deaktivieren*/
.cart .cartfield .button_default { display:none; }

.product-main.detail-page .cartfield { border:1px solid #18515b; border-radius:4px; display:flex; }
.catalog.product .cartfield { border:1px solid #18515b; border-radius:4px; display:flex; }
.product-main.detail-page .cartfield .unit { margin-top:0; display:inline-block; text-align:center; background-color:#18515b; width:40%; padding:1.0em; float:left; border-radius:4px 0 0 4px; }
.catalog.product .cartfield .unit { margin-top:0; display:inline-block; text-align:center; background-color:#18515b; width:40%; padding:0.8em; float:left; border-radius:4px 0 0 4px; }
.product-main.detail-page .field_put2cart { border:none; font-weight:bold; font-size:1em; border-radius:0 4px 4px 0; }
.catalog.product .field_put2cart { border:none; font-weight:bold; font-size:1em; border-radius:0 4px 4px 0; }

/* Warenkorb im Header */
#cartsmall { position:absolute; bottom:calc((90px - (5 * 12px)) / 2); right:15px; }
#cartsmall-empty { position:relative; bottom:12px; }
.catalog.grid.aside { overflow-y:auto; height:calc(100% - 12em); }
.triggerCartSmall { background-color:#000000; }
.triggerCartSmall a { color:#3ecbe7; }

/** Formulare **/
.mandatory { position:relative; }
.mandatory::after { content:"*"; color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold; font-size:2em; position:absolute; left:-0.1em; top:-0.3em; }
.mandatory.valid::after { display:none; }
.mandatory > .caption-small { padding-left:0.4em; }

.input-field > input,
.input-field > select,
.input-field > textarea { border:1px solid #3ecbe7; border-radius:4px; transition:border-color 0.2s, outline 0.2s; }
.input-field > input,
.input-field > select,
.input-field > button { height:3em; }
/*.input-field > input:focus,
.input-field > select:focus,
.input-field > textarea:focus { border-color:#3ecbe7; outline:#3ecbe7; } */
.input-field { position:relative; margin-top:0.6em; margin-bottom:0.6em; }
.input-field > label { position:absolute; transition:all 0.2s; top:0.9em; left:0.8em; color:#3ecbe7; cursor:text; }
.input-field.focus > label, .input-field > select + label { top:-0.6em; font-size:0.8em; background-color:#000000; padding:0 0.4em; }
.input-field > input.error,
.input-field > select.error,
.input-field > textarea.error { border-color:#ff0000; }

.input-field.show-value { margin:0; }
.input-field.show-value > label { display:none; }
.input-field.show-value > * { border:none; -webkit-box-shadow:none; -moz-box-shadow:none; box-shadow:none; background:transparent; background-color:transparent; background-image:none; padding:0; margin:0; height:auto; resize:none; cursor:text; -webkit-appearance:none; }

/*Spam-Abwehr Input Feld*/
.contact_name { position:absolute; overflow:hidden; width:1px; height:1px; left:-9000px; }

/* Fehlermarkierung */
.error-field, .error, .error a { color:#ff0000; }
.error-with-border .error, .error-with-border.error { border:1px solid #ff0000; }
.notice { color:#008000; }
.white { color:#fff; }
.input-field > input.notice,
.input-field > select.notice,
.input-field > textarea.notice { border-color:#008000; }
textarea.changed { border-color:#ff0000; }

/* Ausblenden mit Checkboxen */
.hidebox:checked + * { display:none; }

/* textarea resize */
.hresize { resize:horizontal; }
.vresize { resize:vertical; }

/** allgemeiner Button **/
.button_default { padding:0.4em 0.6em; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#000000 #000000 #18515b #18515b; background: #000000; /* Old browsers */background: -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #000000 0%, #18515b 100%); /* FF3.6+ */background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#000000), color-stop(100%,#18515b)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #000000 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */background: -o-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #000000 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */background: -ms-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #000000 0%,#18515b 100%); /* IE10+ */background: linear-gradient(135deg,  #000000 0%,#18515b 100%); /* W3C */filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#000000', endColorstr='#18515b',GradientType=1 ); /* IE6-9 fallback on horizontal gradient */; transition:background-color 0.3s, background-color 0.3s; border-radius:4px; display:inline-block; cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; font-size:1em; color:#3ecbe7; }
.button_default.big { padding:0.8em 2em; }
.button_default.hover, .button_default:hover { background: #18515b; /* Old browsers */background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%, #18515b 100%); /* FF3.6+ */background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#18515b), color-stop(100%,#18515b)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* IE10+ */background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* W3C */filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#18515b', endColorstr='#18515b',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 fallback on horizontal gradient */ }
a.button_default, a.button_default:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }

/**  **/
.button_default2 { padding:0.4em 0.6em; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#3ecbe7 #3ecbe7 #3ecbe7 #3ecbe7; background: #3ecbe7; /* Old browsers */background: -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #3ecbe7 0%, #3ecbe7 100%); /* FF3.6+ */background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#3ecbe7), color-stop(100%,#3ecbe7)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #3ecbe7 0%,#3ecbe7 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */background: -o-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #3ecbe7 0%,#3ecbe7 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */background: -ms-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #3ecbe7 0%,#3ecbe7 100%); /* IE10+ */background: linear-gradient(135deg,  #3ecbe7 0%,#3ecbe7 100%); /* W3C */filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#3ecbe7', endColorstr='#3ecbe7',GradientType=1 ); /* IE6-9 fallback on horizontal gradient */; transition:background-color 0.3s, background-color 0.3s; border-radius:4px; display:inline-block; cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold; font-size:1em; color:#3ecbe7; }
.button_default2.big { padding:0.8em 2em; }
.button_default2.hover, .button_default2:hover { background: #3ecbe7; /* Old browsers */background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #3ecbe7 0%, #3ecbe7 100%); /* FF3.6+ */background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#3ecbe7), color-stop(100%,#3ecbe7)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  #3ecbe7 0%,#3ecbe7 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  #3ecbe7 0%,#3ecbe7 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  #3ecbe7 0%,#3ecbe7 100%); /* IE10+ */background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #3ecbe7 0%,#3ecbe7 100%); /* W3C */filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#3ecbe7', endColorstr='#3ecbe7',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 fallback on horizontal gradient */ }
a.button_default2, a.button_default2:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }

/** Button mit Checkbox oder Radio **/
.button_check, .button_radio { position:relative; min-height:2.5em; /*border:1px solid #3ecbe7; background-color:#000000; border-radius:4px;*/ display:inline-block; }
.button_check:hover, .button_radio:hover { background-color:#000000; }
.button_check > input, .button_radio > input { visibility:hidden; position:absolute; left:0; top:0; }
.button_check > label, .button_radio > label { display:inline-block; line-height:2.5em; padding:0 0.6em 0 3em; width:100%; font-weight:bold; cursor:pointer; }
.button_check > label::before, .button_radio > label::before { content:""; display:block; border:1px solid #18515b; background-color:#000000; border-radius:2px; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; position:absolute; top:50%; transform:translateY(-50%); -ms-transform:translateY(-50%); left:0.5em; }
.button_check > label::after { content:"\f00c"; display:block; font-family:"Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-weight:900; font-size:1.2em; position:absolute; top:50%; transform:translateY(-50%); -ms-transform:translateY(-50%); left:0.6em; }
.button_check > input:not(:checked)+label::after { display:none; }

.button_radio { border-top-left-radius:3em; border-bottom-left-radius:3em; }
.button_radio > label::before { border-radius:100%; width:1.2em; height:1.2em; }
.button_radio > input:checked+label::before { background-color:#3ecbe7; }

/** Merkzettel fuer zukuenftige Checkboxen **/
/*.button_check > label::before, .button_radio > label::before { content:""; display:block; border:1px solid #18515b; background-color:#000000; border-radius:2px; width:2.5em; height:2.5em; position:absolute; top:50%; transform:translateY(-50%); -ms-transform:translateY(-50%); left:0; }
.button_check > label::after { content:"\f00c"; display:block; font-family:"FontAwesome"; font-size:1.5em; position:absolute; top:50%; transform:translateY(-50%); -ms-transform:translateY(-50%); left:0.45em; }
.button_check:not(.cart_check):not(.delete_check) > input:not(:checked)+label::after { display:none; }
.button_check.cart_check > label::after { content:"\f07a"; color:#18515b; }
.button_check.delete_check > label::after { content:"\f014"; color:#18515b; }
.button_check.cart_check > input:checked+label::after, .button_check.delete_check > input:checked+label::after { content:"\f00c"; color:#3ecbe7; }*/

/** hervorgehobener Button **/
.button_high { background-color:#000000;; transition:background-color 0.3s, background 0.3s; border:1px solid #3ecbe7; border-radius:4px; cursor:pointer; color:#3ecbe7; font-weight:bold; font-size:1em; padding:0.4em 0.6em; display:inline-block; box-sizing:content-box; }
.button_high.big { padding:0.8em 2em; }
.button_high:hover { background-color:#18515b;; }
a.button_high, a.button_high:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }

/** deaktivierter button **/
.button_disabled { background-color:#000000; color:#3ecbe7; cursor:default; }
.button_disabled:hover { background-color:#000000; color:#3ecbe7; }

/** nach-oben-Button **/
body:not(.scrolled) #toTopButton { display: none; }
/*#toTopButton { display:block; position:fixed; right:0.4em; bottom:0.4em; z-index:1001; opacity:0.6; font-size:2.5em; text-decoration:none; color:#000000; background-color:#3ecbe7; padding:0.2em; border-radius:0.2em; }*/

/** Icon Button **/
.icon_button { width:10mm; height:10mm; display:block; position:relative; border-radius:4px; }
.icon_button:hover {}

/** irgendwas inaktiv darstellen **/
.disabled { opacity:0.6; cursor:default; }
.disabled-w-icon { opacity:0.6; position:relative; padding-left:2em; cursor:not-allowed; }
.disabled-w-icon::before { content:"\f05e"; font-family:"Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-weight:900; margin-right:0.4em; position:absolute; left:0.5em; top:50%; transform:translateY(-50%); -ms-transform:translateY(-50%); }

#ajaxBusy { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; z-index:999999; background:rgba(255,255,255,0.8); display:none; }
#ajaxBusy::after { display:block; content:"\f110"; font-family:"Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-weight:900; font-size:7em; position:absolute; left:50%; top:35%; transform:translateY(-50%); -ms-transform:translateY(-50%); animation:spinner infinite 1500ms linear; }
#shopBusy { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; z-index:9999; display:none; }
#shopBusy.visual { background:rgba(255,255,255,0.8); }
#shopBusy.visual::after { display:block; content:"\f110"; font-family:"Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-weight:900; font-size:7em; position:absolute; left:50%; top:35%; transform:translateY(-50%); -ms-transform:translateY(-50%); animation:spinner infinite 1500ms linear; }

/** Cookies **/
#cookie-jar, #newCookieJar { z-index:10000; }
#newCookieJar { max-height:calc( 100vh - 50px ); overflow-y:auto; }

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   vanillajs-datepicker Anfang
   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

.datepicker { width:-moz-min-content; width:min-content; }
@media (min-width:320px){
  body.page_appointment .datepicker { width:280px; }
@media (min-width:480px){
  body.page_appointment .datepicker { width:350px; }
@media (min-width:640px){
  body.page_appointment .datepicker { width:420px; }
@media (min-width:880px){
  body.page_appointment .datepicker { width:490px; }

.datepicker:not(.active) { display:none; }
.datepicker-dropdown { position:absolute; z-index:20; padding-top:0; }
.datepicker-dropdown.datepicker-orient-top { padding-top:0; padding-bottom:4px; }
.datepicker-picker { display:flex; flex-direction:column; border-radius:4px; background-color:#000000; }
.datepicker-dropdown .datepicker-picker { -webkit-box-shadow:0 3px 6px #18515b; box-shadow:0 3px 6px #18515b; }
.datepicker-main { flex:auto; padding:2px; }
.datepicker-footer { box-shadow:inset 0 1px 1px #18515b; background-color:#000000; }
.datepicker-title { box-shadow:inset 0 -1px 1px #18515b; background-color:#000000; padding:0.375rem 0.75rem; text-align:center; font-weight:700; }
.datepicker-controls { display:flex; }
.datepicker-header .datepicker-controls { padding:2px 2px 0; }
.datepicker-controls .button { display:inline-flex; position:relative; align-items:center; justify-content:center; margin:0;
  border:1px solid; border-color:#000000 #000000 #18515b #18515b; /*border-radius:4px;*/
  box-shadow:none; background: #000000; /* Old browsers */background: -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #000000 0%, #18515b 100%); /* FF3.6+ */background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#000000), color-stop(100%,#18515b)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #000000 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */background: -o-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #000000 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */background: -ms-linear-gradient(-45deg,  #000000 0%,#18515b 100%); /* IE10+ */background: linear-gradient(135deg,  #000000 0%,#18515b 100%); /* W3C */filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#000000', endColorstr='#18515b',GradientType=1 ); /* IE6-9 fallback on horizontal gradient */ /*background-color:hsl(0, 0%, 100%);*/
  cursor:pointer; padding:calc(0.375em - 1px) 0.75em; height:2.25em; vertical-align:top; text-align:center; line-height:1.5; white-space:nowrap;
.datepicker-controls .button:focus, .datepicker-controls .button:active { outline:none; }
.datepicker-controls .button:hover { background: #18515b; /* Old browsers */background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%, #18515b 100%); /* FF3.6+ */background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#18515b), color-stop(100%,#18515b)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* IE10+ */background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* W3C */filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#18515b', endColorstr='#18515b',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 fallback on horizontal gradient *//*border-color:#b8b8b8; color: hsl(0, 0%, 21%);*/ }
.datepicker-controls .button:focus { outline:1px dotted #271e18;/*border-color: hsl(217, 71%, 53%); color: hsl(0, 0%, 21%);*/ }
.datepicker-controls .button:focus:not(:active) { box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em rgba(50, 115, 220, 0.25); }
.datepicker-controls .button:active { border-color: #474747; color: hsl(0, 0%, 21%); }
.datepicker-controls .button[disabled] { cursor: not-allowed; }

.datepicker-header .datepicker-controls .button { border-color: transparent; font-weight: bold; }
.datepicker-header .datepicker-controls .button:hover { background: #18515b; /* Old browsers */background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%, #18515b 100%); /* FF3.6+ */background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#18515b), color-stop(100%,#18515b)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* IE10+ */background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #18515b 0%,#18515b 100%); /* W3C */filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#18515b', endColorstr='#18515b',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 fallback on horizontal gradient */ }
.datepicker-header .datepicker-controls .button:active { background-color:#000000; }

.datepicker-footer .datepicker-controls .button { flex:auto; margin:calc(0.375rem - 1px) 0.375rem; border-radius:2px; font-size:0.75rem; }

.datepicker-controls .view-switch { flex:auto; }
.datepicker-controls .prev-button, .datepicker-controls .next-button { padding-right:0.375rem; padding-left:0.375rem; flex:0 0 14.2857142857%; }
.datepicker-controls .prev-button.disabled, .datepicker-controls .next-button.disabled { visibility:hidden; }

.datepicker-view, .datepicker-grid { display:flex; }
.datepicker-view { align-items:stretch; width:15.75rem; }
body.page_appointment .datepicker-view { width:100%; }

.datepicker-grid { flex-wrap:wrap; flex:auto; }

.datepicker .days { display:flex; flex-direction:column; flex:auto; }
.datepicker .days-of-week { display:flex; }
.datepicker .week-numbers { display:flex; flex-direction:column; flex:0 0 9.6774193548%; }
.datepicker .weeks { display:flex; flex-direction:column; align-items:stretch; flex:auto; }

.datepicker span { display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; border-radius:4px; cursor:default;
  -webkit-touch-callout: none;
  -webkit-user-select: none;
     -moz-user-select: none;
          user-select: none;

.datepicker .dow { height:1.5rem; font-size:0.875rem; font-weight:700; }
.datepicker .week { flex:auto; color:#3ecbe7; font-size:0.75rem; }
.datepicker-cell, .datepicker .days .dow { flex-basis:14.2857142857%; }
.datepicker-cell { height:2.25rem; }
.datepicker-cell:not(.day) { flex-basis:25%; height:4.5rem; }
.datepicker-cell:not(.disabled):hover { background-color:#000000; cursor:pointer; }
.datepicker-cell.focused:not(.selected) { background-color:#000000; }
.datepicker-cell.selected, .datepicker-cell.selected:hover { background-color:#000000; color:#3ecbe7; font-weight:600; }
.datepicker-cell.disabled { color:#3ecbe7; }
.datepicker-cell.prev:not(.disabled), .datepicker-cell.next:not(.disabled) { color:#3ecbe7; }
.datepicker-cell.prev.selected, .datepicker-cell.next.selected { color:#dddddd; }
.datepicker-cell.highlighted:not(.selected):not(.range):not(.today) { border-radius:0; background-color:#000000; }
.datepicker-cell.highlighted:not(.selected):not(.range):not(.today):not(.disabled):hover { background-color:#18515b; }

.datepicker-cell.highlighted:not(.selected):not(.range):not(.today).focused { background-color:#000000; }
.datepicker-cell.today:not(.selected) { background-color: #3ecbe7; }
.datepicker-cell.today:not(.selected):not(.disabled) { color:#000000; }
.datepicker-cell.today.focused:not(.selected) { background-color:#000000; }

.datepicker-cell.range-end:not(.selected), .datepicker-cell.range-start:not(.selected) { background-color:#3ecbe7; color:#3ecbe7; }
.datepicker-cell.range-end.focused:not(.selected), .datepicker-cell.range-start.focused:not(.selected) { background-color:#3ecbe7; }
.datepicker-cell.range-start:not(.range-end) { border-radius:4px 0 0 4px; }
.datepicker-cell.range-end:not(.range-start) { border-radius:0 4px 4px 0; }
.datepicker-cell.range { border-radius:0; background-color:#000000; }
.datepicker-cell.range:not(.disabled):not(.focused):not(.today):hover { background-color:#18515b; }
.datepicker-cell.range.disabled { color:#3ecbe7; }
.datepicker-cell.range.focused { background-color:#18515b; }

.datepicker-input.in-edit { border-color:#000000; }
.datepicker-input.in-edit:focus, .datepicker-input.in-edit:active { box-shadow: 0 0 0.25em 0.25em #271e18; }

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   vanillajs-datepicker Ende
   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

.datepicker-hide { display:none; }

/** Produkt **/
.productname { font-size:1.1em; font-weight:bold; }
.productnr { font-size:0.9em; }
.saleName { color:#cd0a0a; }
.saleDuration { font-size:0.9em; }
.unit { font-size:0.8em; }

/** Preis **/
.itemprice { font-size:1.8em; font-weight:bold; color:#008000; }
.product-main .itemprice { font-size:2.3em; }
.specialprice { color:#cd0a0a; }
.oldprice { color:#3ecbe7; }
.baseprice { font-size:0.8em; font-style:italic; }
.mwst-hint { font-size:0.8em; color:#3ecbe7; }
.mwst-hint a { color:#3ecbe7; }
.extraCosts { font-size:0.9em; }
.additionalshippingcosts { color:#3ecbe7; font-size:0.8em; }

/* Alterskennzeichen */
.agerating_s, .agerating .icon { background-image:url(../nav/icons/usk.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; }
.pic .agerating_s { position:absolute; left:6px; bottom:6px; }
.rdecontent .agerating_s { left:0; bottom:0; }
.agerating { font-size:0.9em; }
.agerating .icon { width:40px; height:40px; display:block; }
.agerating .text { padding-left:44px; margin-top:-40px; }
.agerating_0 .icon { background-position:-40px 0; }
.agerating_6 .icon { background-position:-80px 0; }
.agerating_12 .icon { background-position:0 -40px; }
.agerating_16 .icon { background-position:-40px -40px; }
.agerating_18 .icon { background-position:-80px -40px; }
.agerating_s { width:20px; height:20px; }
.agerating_s_0 { background-position:0 0; }
.agerating_s_6 { background-position:-20px 0; }
.agerating_s_12 { background-position:0 -20px; }
.agerating_s_16 { background-position:-20px -20px; }
.agerating_s_18 { background-position:-120px 0; }

/** Hersteller **/
.catblog .manufacturer.text, .catblog .manufacturer .text { font-size:1.2em; color:#3ecbe7; font-weight:bold; }
.catalog .manufacturer.text, .catalog .manufacturer .text { display:inline-block; padding:0.4em; border:1px solid #18515b; }

/* Schutzklick */
body.confirmationpage #schutzklick_wrapper #sisu_container { margin-top:15px; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; padding:15px; }
body.checkout #schutzklick_wrapper #sisu_container > div { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:0; }

/* Produktvergleich */
#compare { padding-right:1px; }
#compare > table { /*border-collapse:collapse;*/ table-layout:fixed; }
#compare > table > thead > tr.products { background-color:#000000; z-index:12; border-bottom:1px solid #18515b; }
#compare.favorite > table > thead > tr > td:first-of-type, #compare.favorite > table > tbody > tr > td:first-of-type, #compare.favorite > table > tfoot > tr > td:first-of-type { z-index:10; background-color:#000000; position:relative; }
#compare.favorite > table > thead > tr.products > td:first-of-type {  }
#compare > table > tbody > tr > td, #compare > table > thead > tr > td, #compare > table > tfoot > tr > td { text-align:center; }
#compare > table > tbody > tr > td { border-bottom:1px solid #18515b; border-right:1px solid #18515b; }
#compare > table > tbody > tr:first-child > td, #compare > table > thead + tbody > tr:first-child > th, #compare tr.groupname + tr td, #compare tr.groupname + tr th { border-top:1px solid #18515b; }
#compare > table > tbody > tr > th, #compare > table > thead > tr > th, #compare > table > tfoot > tr > th { z-index:11; position:relative; }
#compare > table > tbody > tr.groupname > th { text-align:left; padding-top:1em; padding-left:1px; background-color:#000000; font-weight:normal; }
#compare > table > tbody > tr > td:not(.vcenter), #compare > table > thead > tr > td { vertical-align:top; }
#compare > table > tbody.bg_even > tr:nth-child(even) > td, #compare > table > tbody.bg_odd > tr:nth-child(odd) > td { background-color:#000000; }
#compare.favorite > table > tbody.bg_even > tr:nth-child(even) > td:first-of-type, #compare.favorite > table > tbody.bg_odd > tr:nth-child(odd) > td:first-of-type { background-color:#000000; }
#compare > table > tbody > tr:not(.groupname) > th { border-bottom:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; background-color:#18515b; }
#compare > table > tbody > tr:last-child > th { border-bottom:1px solid #18515b; }
#compare > table > tbody.collapsed + tbody > tr.groupname > th { padding-top: 0.1em; }
#compare .availability .icon { margin-left:0; }
#compare .prev, #compare .next { position:absolute; top:40%; background-color:#18515b; padding: 0.5em; cursor:pointer; z-index:13; font-size:1.5em; }
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#compare .next { top:130px; right:0; }
#compare .collapsed .minus-square_icon::before { content:"\f0fe"; }
#compare td.add:nth-of-type(1n+3) { display:none; }
#compare ~ #noprod { display:none; }
#compare .pic { display:block; position:relative; width:100%; height:200px; overflow:hidden; }
#compare .buttons { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:13; }
#compare .remove-all { cursor:pointer; }
#compare > table > thead > tr > th { width:11em; }
@media (max-width:640px) {
  #compare > table > thead > tr > th { width:9em; }
.compare.listed .can-compare { display:none; }
.compare.listed .on-compare-list { display:block; }
.compare .poll_icon:not(.invert)::before { font-size:1.3em; line-height:1.1rem; vertical-align:-1px; }
.compare .poll_icon.invert::before { font-size:1.1em; line-height:1.1rem; background-color:#3ecbe7; color:#000000; border-left:1px solid #3ecbe7; border-right:1px solid #3ecbe7; border-radius:0.2em; }
#product .compare .poll_icon.invert::before, .catblog.design .compare .poll_icon.invert:before { color:#000000; }

.compare-button .value { right:-0.5em; top:-0.3em; background-color:#cd0a0a; color:#000000; padding:0.2em 0.5em; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; border:2px solid #000000; border-radius:50%; }

.service:not(:first-child) { margin-top:1.2em; }
.service_input_file .service_input { transition:all 1s; }
.service_input_file .upload_pane { min-height:5em; width:calc(100% - 2em); }
.service_input_file .upload_pane.no-file::after { display:block; content:'\f574'; font-family:'Font Awesome 5 free'; font-weight:900; font-size:3em; margin-top:0.8rem; }
.service_input_file .upload_pane.no-file .help-description { display:block; }
.service_input_file .service_input.error { background-color:#ffeeee; border:red; }
.service_input_file .service_input.isDrag { border-color:green; background-color:lightgreen; }
.service_input_file .service_input.isDropped { border-style:dashed; border-color:green; }
.service_type_5 .info { min-height:52px; max-height:152px; }
/*#checkout_process .service_type_5 .info { min-height:auto; max-height:none; }*/

/** TrustedShops **/
/*Badge im Shop*/
/*div[id^="tsbadgeResponsiveTop"] { position:fixed; top:auto; bottom:0; z-index:3; }*/

/*Card in Bestaetigung*/
/*@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (max-device-width: 667px), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3) and (max-device-width: 736px), only screen and (max-width: 648px){
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/** Suchvorschlagsbereiche (e-vendo RE und FACT-Finder)**/
li.suggestHighlight { background-color:#18515b; }
ul.suggestLayerList, ul.suggestLayerBlock { border-color:#3ecbe7; -moz-box-shadow:0 4px 10px 1px #3ecbe7; -webkit-box-shadow:0 4px 10px 1px #3ecbe7; box-shadow:0 4px 10px 1px #3ecbe7; }
li.suggestRow { border-bottom-color:#3ecbe7; }
.suggestLayer, ul.suggestLayerList, ul.suggestLayerBlock { background-color:#000000; }

#suggestLayerContainer { max-width:100%; position:absolute; top:24px; z-index:20000; width:400px; }
/* needed otherwise the searchBoxLine will pop-up in IE */
div.suggestFormWrap { position:absolute; z-index:20001; }
div.suggestLayer { height:1px; display:none; padding:0; margin:0; background:transparent; }
ul.suggestLayerList, ul.suggestLayerBlock { list-style:none; font-size:0.9em; cursor:pointer; border-collapse:separate; padding:0; border-width:2px; border-style:solid; overflow-y: auto; }
ul.suggestLayerList li, ul.suggestLayerBlock li { list-style:none; display:block; }
li.suggestHeader { font-weight:normal; font-size:0.9em; padding:3px 10px 3px 5px; border-bottom-width:1px; border-bottom-style:solid; }
li.suggestRow { margin:0 6px; padding:6px; border-bottom-style:dotted; border-bottom-width:1px; }
li.suggestRowWithImage { height:52px; }
li.suggestShowAll { text-align:right; border-bottom-width:0; }
span.suggestTextQuery { display:block; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:4px; }
span.suggestTextQueryTyped { color:#3ecbe7; text-decoration:underline; }
span.suggestTextType { font-size:0.8em; margin-left:5px; }
span.suggestTextAmount { font-size:0.8em; }
span.suggestImage { padding-right:10px; width:80px; height:40px; float:left; }
span.suggestImage img { max-height:40px; max-width:80px; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#18515b; }
ul.suggestLayerBlock li.suggestHeader { background-image:none; }

/* FACT-Finder-Logo */
li.suggestHeaderFF { background-image: url("../nav/logos/fact-finder_suggest.gif"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:98%; }

/* FINDOLOGIC Autocomplete */
.ac_odd { /*background-color: #000000;*/ }
.ac_over { background-color:#000000; }

.ac_results { max-width:100%; background-color:#000000; border-color:#3ecbe7; padding:0; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; overflow:hidden; z-index:99999; min-width:250px; }
.ac_results ul { width:100%; list-style-position:outside; list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0; }
.ac_results td { vertical-align:middle; margin:0; padding:2px 10px; cursor:default; /* if width will be 100% horizontal scrollbar will apear when scroll mode will be used */ /*width: 100%;*/ font-size:1em /*12px*/; /* it is very important, if line-height not setted or setted in relative units scroll will be broken in firefox */ line-height:16px; overflow:hidden; }
.ac_results td.ac_name { text-align:left; }
.ac_results td.ac_cat { text-align:right; }
.autocompleteCat, .autocompleteCat .flHighlight { background-color:#000000; color:#3ecbe7; font-weight:bold; }
.autocompleteCat { margin:-2px -15px 2px; padding:5px; }
/*.flHighlight { font-size:inherit; }*/
.ac_results td.ac_image { padding: 2px 5px; }
#preview { position:absolute; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#3ecbe7; background:#3ecbe7; color:#000000; display:none; z-index: 100000; }
.autocompletecount { float:right; font-size:0.9em; }
/*.flHighlight { font-weight:normal; }*/

.ui-dialog {

/** Register, z.B. Marken, Stichwort **/
.register .letters:after { content:"."; display:block; height:0;  visibility:hidden; clear:both; }
.register .letters > li { float:left; padding:0; margin:0 0.3em; font-size:1.3em; list-style:none;}
.registerletter .register > ul { margin:0; margin-left:20px; list-style-type:square; }
.registerletter .register .registerpos { margin:0 10px; line-height:20px; }

/** Tabs **/
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.default_tab:hover { background-color:#18515b; }
.default_tab.tabs_activeTab { background-color:#18515b; }
.default_tab::after { content:'\f101'; font-family:'Font Awesome 5 Free'; font-weight:900; position:absolute; right:0.8em; top:1em; }
.tabs_inactiveDest { display:none; }
.tabs_activeDest { display:block; }

/** Ueberschriften **/
.caption { font-size:1.4em; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:0.8em; }
.caption-box { background-color:#000000; padding:0.8em; border:1px solid #18515b; font-weight:bold; }
.caption-small { font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:0.8em; }
.caption-smallest { font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:0.8em; }

/** Box / Area **/
.area {}
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/** Scroll-Box **/
.scrollbox { box-shadow:0 0 16px #18515b; position:fixed; top:0; left:0; background-color:#000000;; }

/** Info-Box **/
.infobox { padding:10px; border:solid 1px #000000; box-shadow:0 0 8px #3ecbe7; background-color:#000000; position:relative; }
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.witharrow-t_l::before, .witharrow-t_c::before, .witharrow-t_r::before,
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.witharrow-l_t::before, .witharrow-l_c::before, .witharrow-l_b::before
{ content:""; position:absolute; z-index:1; display:block; }
.witharrow-t_l::after, .witharrow-t_c::after, .witharrow-t_r::after,
.witharrow-r_t::after, .witharrow-r_c::after, .witharrow-r_b::after,
.witharrow-b_l::after, .witharrow-b_c::after, .witharrow-b_r::after,
.witharrow-l_t::after, .witharrow-l_c::after, .witharrow-l_b::after
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/* Pfeil oben links*/
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/* Pfeil oben mittig */
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.witharrow-t_c::after { top:-28px; right:50%; transform: translateX(50%); -ms-transform: translateX(50%); border:solid 14px transparent; border-bottom-color:#000000; }
/* Pfeil oben rechts*/
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.witharrow-t_r::after { top:-16px; right:-1px; border:solid 8px transparent; border-right-color:#000000; border-bottom-color:#000000; }

/* Pfeil rechts oben */
.witharrow-r_t::before { top:0; right:-14px; border:solid 7px transparent; border-top-color:#000000; border-left-color:#000000; }
.witharrow-r_t::after { top:-1px; right:-16px; border:solid 8px transparent; border-top-color:#000000; border-left-color:#000000; }
/* Pfeil rechts mittig */
.witharrow-r_c::before { right:-26px; bottom:50%; transform: translateY(50%); -ms-transform: translateY(50%); border:solid 14px transparent; border-left-color:#000000; }
.witharrow-r_c::after { right:-28px; bottom:50%; transform: translateY(50%); -ms-transform: translateY(50%); border:solid 14px transparent; border-left-color:#000000; }
/* Pfeil rechts unten */
.witharrow-r_b::before { right:-14px; bottom:0; border:solid 7px transparent; border-bottom-color:#000000; border-left-color:#000000; }
.witharrow-r_b::after { right:-16px; bottom:-1px; border:solid 8px transparent; border-bottom-color:#000000; border-left-color:#000000; }

/* Pfeil unten links*/
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.witharrow-b_l::after { bottom:-16px; left:-1px; border:solid 8px transparent; border-top-color:#000000; border-left-color:#000000; }
/* Pfeil unten mittig */
.witharrow-b_c::before { right:50%; bottom:-26px; transform: translateX(50%); -ms-transform: translateY(50%); border:solid 14px transparent; border-top-color:#000000; }
.witharrow-b_c::after { right:50%; bottom:-28px; transform: translateX(50%); -ms-transform: translateY(50%); border:solid 14px transparent; border-top-color:#000000; }
/* Pfeil unten rechts*/
.witharrow-b_r::before { right:0px; bottom:-14px;border:solid 7px transparent; border-top-color:#000000; border-right-color:#000000; }
.witharrow-b_r::after { right:-1px; bottom:-16px; border:solid 8px transparent; border-top-color:#000000; border-right-color:#000000; }

/* Pfeil links oben */
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.witharrow-l_t::after { top:-1px; left:-16px; border:solid 8px transparent; border-top-color:#000000; border-right-color:#000000; }
/* Pfeil links mittig */
.witharrow-l_c::before { left:-26px; bottom:50%; transform: translateY(50%); -ms-transform: translateY(50%); border:solid 14px transparent; border-right-color:#000000; }
.witharrow-l_c::after { left:-28px; bottom:50%; transform: translateY(50%); -ms-transform: translateY(50%); border:solid 14px transparent; border-right-color:#000000; }
/* Pfeil links unten */
.witharrow-l_b::before { bottom:0; left:-14px; border:solid 7px transparent; border-right-color:#000000; border-bottom-color:#000000; }
.witharrow-l_b::after { bottom:-1px; left:-16px; border:solid 8px transparent; border-right-color:#000000; border-bottom-color:#000000; }

/** Pfeile fuer aufklappbare Bereiche - bird vogel **/
.morearrow { position:relative; padding-left:2em; cursor:pointer; vertical-align:middle; }
.morearrow::before { display:block; content:"\f078"; font-family:'Font Awesome 5 Free'; font-weight:900; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; transition:transform 0.5s; }

.morearrow.open::before { transform:rotateX(-180deg); -ms-transform:rotateX(-180deg); }

/** chilltip **/
.chilltiptitle { padding:0.8em; border:solid 1px #000000; box-shadow:0 0 16px #18515b; background-color:#000000;; display:none; height:auto; width:auto; max-width:300px; position:absolute; z-index:1001; }
.chilltiptitle p { padding:0; margin:0; }

/** Tabelle **/
table.design { border-spacing:0; }
table.design tr > * { padding:0.45em; }
table.design.noframe tr:first-child > * { padding-top:0; }
table.design.noframe tr:last-child > * { padding-bottom:0; }
table.design.noframe tr > *:first-child { padding-left:0; }
table.design.noframe tr > *:last-child{ padding-right:0; }
table.design tr > *.label { padding-right:1em; }

table.borders { border-collapse:collapse; }
table.borders tr > * { border:1px solid #dddddd; }
table.borders_h { border-collapse:collapse; }
table.borders_h tr > * { border:0 solid #dddddd; border-width:1px 0; }
table.borders_v { border-collapse:collapse; }
table.borders_v tr > * { border:0 solid #dddddd; border-width:0 1px; }

table.light {  }
table.light tr > * { border-width:1px 0; padding:0.8em; }
table.light tr > th { border-width:1px 0 2px 0; }

/* Preistabelle */
table.prices {}
table.prices td.label { text-align:left; }
table.prices td.value { text-align:right; }

/** modale Elemente **/
.fullscreen { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; }
.fullscreen_fixed { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; }
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.modal_light_relative::before { background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.8); }

/** Teaser **/
.teaser { padding:0.8em 0.4em; }

/** Benutzertexte **/
.db_htmltext img { max-width:100%; }

/** Textgestaltung **/
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hr.tp-hr { margin:20px 0; }

/* Text und Bild */
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.tp-container img.tp-picture_left + div:after { display:block; content:""; clear:left; }
.tp-container img.tp-picture_right { float:right; margin-left:1.8em; }
.tp-container img.tp-picture_right + div:after { display:block; content:""; clear:right; }
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.tp-center { text-align:center; }
.tp-right { text-align:right; }
.tp-block { text-align:justify; }
.tp-border-right, .tp-border-left { border:0px solid #18515b; }
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.tp-border-right { border-right-width:0; border-bottom-width:1px; }
/*3 irgendwas nebeneinander*/
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.tp-container_3 { padding:10px 0; }
.tp-container_3:after { clear:both; content:""; display:block; }
/*2 irgendwas nebneinander*/
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.tp-container_2 > *:last-child { padding-top:8px; }
.tp-container_2 { padding:10px 0; }
.tp-container_2:after { clear:both; content:""; display:block; }

/* Bilderklasse fuer Anwender */
.myImage { max-width:100%; height:auto; }

/* AGB Formatierungen */
#agb p { margin:10px 0; }
#agb #agbgliederung { padding-left:20px; text-indent:-20px; }
#agb .caption { font-weight:bold; margin:10px 0; }
.expand_text { display:none; background-color:#000000; }
.expand_text .close_text { text-align:right; }
.expand_text.open { display:block; margin-top:10px; }
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/* PayPal PPCP */
body.a_article div[data-pp-message]:not(.collapsed) { padding:10px 0; }

/*** Plugins ***/
/* fancySelect*/
.fancySelect { display:flex; flex-flow:row wrap; padding:0.4em 0; }
.fancyOption { padding:0.4em; cursor:pointer; border:1px solid #18515b; background-color:#000000; flex-grow:1; display:inline-block; text-align:center; }
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/*** box-sizing ***/
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.box-sizing-content-box { box-sizing:content-box; }

/*** Abstaende ***/
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.m--inherit, .m--parent { margin:inherit; }
.m--0-auto { margin:0 auto; }

.m-t--0 { margin-top:0; }
.m-r--0 { margin-right:0; }
.m-b--0 { margin-bottom:0; }
.m-l--0 { margin-left:0; }

.m-t--auto { margin-top:auto; }
.m-r--auto { margin-right:auto; }
.m-b--auto { margin-bottom:auto; }
.m-l--auto { margin-left:auto; }

/*margin absolute*/
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.m--xs { margin:5px; } .m-tub--xs { padding:0 5px 5px 5px; } .m-hat--xs { padding:5px 5px 0 5px; }

.m-t--b { margin-top:25px; } .m-t--b---neg { margin-top:-25px; }
.m-t--m { margin-top:15px; } .m-t--m---neg { margin-top:-15px; }
.m-t--s { margin-top:10px; } .m-t--s---neg { margin-top:-10px; }
.m-t--xs { margin-top:5px; } .m-t--xs---neg { margin-top:-5px; }

.m-r--b { margin-right:25px; } .m-r--b---neg { margin-right:-25px; }
.m-r--m { margin-right:15px; } .m-r--m---neg { margin-right:-15px; }
.m-r--s { margin-right:10px; } .m-r--s---neg { margin-right:-10px; }
.m-r--xs { margin-right:5px; } .m-r--xs---neg { margin-right:-5px; }

.m-b--b { margin-bottom:25px; } .m-b--b---neg { margin-bottom:-25px; }
.m-b--m { margin-bottom:15px; } .m-b--m---neg { margin-bottom:-15px; }
.m-b--s { margin-bottom:10px; } .m-b--s---neg { margin-bottom:-10px; }
.m-b--xs { margin-bottom:5px; } .m-b--xs---neg { margin-bottom:-5px; }

.m-l--b { margin-left:25px; } .m-l--b---neg { margin-left:-25px; }
.m-l--m { margin-left:15px; } .m-l--m---neg { margin-left:-15px; }
.m-l--s { margin-left:10px; } .m-l--s---neg { margin-left:-10px; }
.m-l--xs { margin-left:5px; } .m-l--xs---neg { margin-left:-5px; }

/*margin relative*/
.m--b-r { margin:2em; }
.m--m-r { margin:1.2em; }
.m--s-r { margin:0.8em; }
.m--xs-r { margin:0.4em; }

.m-hor--s-r { margin:0 0.8em; }
.m-ver--s-r { margin:0.8em 0; }

.m-t--xb-r { margin-top:3em; } .m-t--xb-r---neg { margin-top:-3em; }
.m-t--b-r { margin-top:2em; } .m-t--b-r---neg { margin-top:-2em; }
.m-t--m-r { margin-top:1.2em; } .m-t--m-r---neg { margin-top:-1.2em; }
.m-t--s-r { margin-top:0.8em; } .m-t--s-r---neg { margin-top:-0.8em; }
.m-t--xs-r { margin-top:0.4em; } .m-t--xs-r---neg { margin-top:-0.4em; }
.m-t--xxs-r { margin-top:0.2em; } .m-t--xxs-r---neg { margin-top:-0.2em; }

.m-r--xb-r { margin-right:3em; } .m-r--xb-r---neg { margin-right:-3em; }
.m-r--b-r { margin-right:2em; } .m-r--b-r---neg { margin-right:-2em; }
.m-r--m-r { margin-right:1.2em; } .m-r--m-r---neg { margin-right:-1.2em; }
.m-r--s-r { margin-right:0.8em; } .m-r--s-r---neg { margin-right:-0.8em; }
.m-r--xs-r { margin-right:0.4em; } .m-r--xs-r---neg { margin-right:-0.4em; }

.m-b--xb-r { margin-bottom:3em; } .m-b--xb-r---neg { margin-bottom:-3em; }
.m-b--b-r { margin-bottom:2em; } .m-b--b-r---neg { margin-bottom:-2em; }
.m-b--m-r { margin-bottom:1.2em; } .m-b--m-r---neg { margin-bottom:-1.2em; }
.m-b--s-r { margin-bottom:0.8em; } .m-b--s-r---neg { margin-bottom:-0.8em; }
.m-b--xs-r { margin-bottom:0.4em; } .m-b--xs-r---neg { margin-bottom:-0.4em; }

.m-l--xb-r { margin-left:3em; } .m-l--xb-r---neg { margin-left:-3em; }
.m-l--b-r { margin-left:2em; } .m-l--b-r---neg { margin-left:-2em; }
.m-l--m-r { margin-left:1.2em; } .m-l--m-r---neg { margin-left:-1.2em; }
.m-l--s-r { margin-left:0.8em; } .m-l--s-r---neg { margin-left:-0.8em; }
.m-l--xs-r { margin-left:0.4em; } .m-l--xs-r---neg { margin-left:-0.4em; }

.p--0 { padding:0; }
.p--inherit, .p--parent { padding:inherit; }
.p--init { padding:initial; }

/*padding absolute*/
.p--b { padding:25px; } .p-tub--b { padding:0 25px 25px 25px; } .p-hat--b { padding:25px 25px 0 25px; }
.p--m { padding:15px; } .p-tub--m { padding:0 15px 15px 15px; } .p-hat--m { padding:15px 15px 0 15px; }
.p--s { padding:10px; } .p-tub--s { padding:0 10px 10px 10px; } .p-hat--s { padding:10px 10px 0 10px; }
.p--xs { padding:5px; } .p-tub--xs { padding:0 5px 5px 5px; } .p-hat--xs { padding:5px 5px 0 5px; }

.p-t--b { padding-top:25px; }
.p-t--m { padding-top:15px; }
.p-t--s { padding-top:10px; }
.p-t--xs { padding-top:5px; }

.p-r--b { padding-right:25px; }
.p-r--m { padding-right:15px; }
.p-r--s { padding-right:10px; }
.p-r--xs { padding-right:5px; }

.p-b--b { padding-bottom:25px; }
.p-b--m { padding-bottom:15px; }
.p-b--s { padding-bottom:10px; }
.p-b--xs { padding-bottom:5px; }

.p-l--b { padding-left:25px; }
.p-l--m { padding-left:15px; }
.p-l--s { padding-left:10px; }
.p-l--xs { padding-left:5px; }

/*padding relative*/
.p--b-r { padding:2em; }
.p--m-r { padding:1.2em; }
.p--s-r { padding:0.8em; }
.p--xs-r { padding:0.4em; }

.p-t--b-r { padding-top:2em; }
.p-t--m-r { padding-top:1.2em; }
.p-t--s-r { padding-top:0.8em; }
.p-t--xs-r { padding-top:0.4em; }

.p-r--b-r { padding-right:2em; }
.p-r--m-r { padding-right:1.2em; }
.p-r--s-r { padding-right:0.8em; }
.p-r--xs-r { padding-right:0.4em; }

.p-b--b-r { padding-bottom:2em; }
.p-b--m-r { padding-bottom:1.2em; }
.p-b--s-r { padding-bottom:0.8em; }
.p-b--xs-r { padding-bottom:0.4em; }

.p-l--b-r { padding-left:2em; }
.p-l--m-r { padding-left:1.2em; }
.p-l--s-r { padding-left:0.8em; }
.p-l--xs-r { padding-left:0.4em; }

.p-t--0 { padding-top:0; }
.p-r--0 { padding-right:0; }
.p-b--0 { padding-bottom:0; }
.p-l--0 { padding-left:0; }

/*** Gutter ***/
.gutter--b { gap:25px; }
.gutter--m { gap:15px; }
.gutter--s { gap:10px; }
.gutter--xs { gap:5px; }

/*** z-index ***/
.z-index-1 { z-index: 1; }

/*** Schriften ***/
.mobile-header-icone_p { font-size:inherit; }
.font--300, .font--biggest { font-size:3em; }
.font--200, .font--bigger { font-size:2em; }
.font--180 { font-size:1.8em; }
.font--160, .font--big { font-size:1.6em; }
.font--150 { font-size:1.5em; }
.font--140 { font-size:1.4em; }
.font--130 { font-size:1.3em; }
.font--120, .font--medium { font-size:1.2em; }
.font--110 { font-size:1.1em; }
.font--100, .font--normal { font-size:1em; }
.font--90 { font-size:0.9em; }
.font--80, .font--small { font-size:0.8em; }
.font--70, .font--smallest { font-size:0.7em; }
.font--basic { font-size:1rem; }

.font--300rem, .font--biggest-rem { font-size:3rem; }
.font--200rem, .font--bigger-rem { font-size:2rem; }
.font--180rem { font-size:1.8rem; }
.f-size_brem, .font--160rem, .font--big-rem { font-size:1.6rem; }
.font--150rem { font-size:1.5rem; }
.font--140rem { font-size:1.4rem; }
.font--120rem, .font--medium-rem { font-size:1.2rem; }
.font--110rem { font-size:1.1rem; }
.font--90rem { font-size:0.9rem; }
.font--80rem, .font--small-rem { font-size:0.8rem; }
.font--70rem, .font--smallest-rem { font-size:0.7rem; }

.font--16px { font-size:16px; }

.lineheight--90em { line-height:0.9em; }
.lineheight--normal { line-height:normal; }

.style-parent { font-style:inherit; }
.style-0 { font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; }
.italic, .cursive, .kursive { font-style:italic; }
.bold { font-weight:bold; }
.weight_0 { font-weight:normal; }
.no-deco { text-decoration:none; }
.underline { text-decoration:underline; }
.crossline { text-decoration:line-through; }
.upper { text-transform:uppercase; }

.simlink { cursor:pointer; }
.simlink:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
.unlink { cursor:default; color:#3ecbe7; text-decoration:none; }
.unlink:hover { color:inherit; }
.cartpos .availability span { color:#ff0000; }
.l-marker::before { font-family:"Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-weight:bold; content:"\f101"; margin-right:0.2em; vertical-align:middle; }

.acenter { text-align:center; }
.aleft { text-align:left; }
.aright { text-align:right; }
.vbase { vertical-align:baseline; }
.vcenter { vertical-align:middle; }
.vbottom { vertical-align:bottom; }
.up { vertical-align:super; }
.vtop { vertical-align:top; }
.raquo { vertical-align:5%; }

.nowrap { white-space:nowrap; }
.wrap_normal, .wrap { white-space:normal; }
.hyphens { overflow:hidden; word-wrap:break-word; overflow-wrap:break-word; -webkit-hyphens:auto; -moz-hyphens:auto; hyphens:auto; }

.f-color--parent { color:inherit; }
.f-color--0, .f-color--basic { color:#3ecbe7; } .f-color--0-hover:hover,.f-color--basic-hover:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--1 { color:#3ecbe7; } .f-color--1-hover:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--2, .f-color--light { color:#3ecbe7; } .f-color--2-hover:hover, .f-color--light-hover:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--3 { color:#3ecbe7; } .f-color--3-hover:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--4, .f-color--lighter { color:#aaaaaa; } .f-color--4-hover:hover, .f-color--lighter-hover:hover { color:#aaaaaa; }
.f-color--5, .f-color--lightest, .f-color--disabled { color:#dddddd; } .f-color--5-hover:hover, .f-color--lightest-hover:hover, .f-color--disabled:hover { color:#dddddd; }
.f-color--warning, .changed { color:#ff0000; } .f-color--warning-hover:hover { color:#ff0000; }
.f-color--highlight { color:#cd0a0a; } .f-color--highlight-hover:hover { color:#cd0a0a; }
.f-color--notice { color:#008000; } .f-color--notice-hover:hover { color:#008000; }
.f-color--stars { color:#ffd42c; } .f-color--stars-hover:hover { color:#ffd42c; }

.f-color--onhigh { color:#3ecbe7; } .f-color--onhigh-hover:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--high { color:#3ecbe7; } .f-color--high-hover:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }

.f-color--header { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--header-hover:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--header-hover-color { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--header-light { color:#aaaaaa; }
.f-color--header-light-hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--header-light-hover-color { color:#3ecbe7; }

.f-color--footer { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--footer-hover:hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--footer-hover-color { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--footer-light { color:#aaaaaa; }
.f-color--footer-light-hover { color:#3ecbe7; }
.f-color--footer-light-hover-color { color:#3ecbe7; }

.highlight { color:#3ecbe7; font-weight:bold; }
.f-color--white { color:#fff; }
.f-color--lightgrey { color:#aaa; }

.rot { color:#d30000; }
.gelb { color:#ffd42c; }
.gruen { color:#03bf00; }

/*** Rahmen ***/
.b--none { border:none; }
.b--inherit, .b--parent { border:inherit; }
.b--0 { border-width:0; }
.b--1px { border-width:1px; }
.b--2px { border-width:2px; }
.b-t--0 { border-top-width:0; }
.b-t--1px { border-top-width:1px; }
.b-t--2px { border-top-width:2px; }
.b-r--0 { border-right-width:0; }
.b-r--1px { border-right-width:1px; }
.b-r--2px { border-right-width:2px; }
.b-b--0 { border-bottom-width:0; }
.b-b--1px { border-bottom-width:1px; }
.b-b--2px { border-bottom-width:2px; }
.b-l--0 { border-left-width:0; }
.b-l--1px { border-left-width:1px; }
.b-l--2px { border-left-width:2px; }

.b-style--none { border-style:none; }
.b-style--solid { border-style:solid; }
.b-style--dashed { border-style:dashed; }
.b-style--dotted { border-style:dotted; }

.border { border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#18515b; } .b--trans { border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color:transparent; }
.b-t { border-top:1px solid #18515b; } .b-t--trans { border-top:1px solid transparent; }
.b-b { border-bottom:1px solid #18515b; } .b-b--trans { border-bottom:1px solid transparent; }
.b-l { border-left:1px solid #18515b; } .b-l--trans { border-left:1px solid transparent; }
.b-r { border-right:1px solid #18515b; } .b-r--trans { border-right:1px solid transparent; }
.b-h { border-width:1px 0; border-style:solid; border-color:#18515b; } .b-h--trans { border-width:1px 0; border-style:solid; border-color:transparent; }
.b-v { border-width:0 1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#18515b; } .b-v--trans { border-width:0 1px; border-style:solid; border-color:transparent; }
.b-tub { border-width:0 1px 1px 1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#18515b; } .b-tub--trans { border-width:0 1px 1px 1px; border-style:solid; border-color:transparent; }
.b-hat { border-width:1px 1px 0 1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#18515b; } .b-hat--trans { border-width:1px 1px 0 1px; border-style:solid; border-color:transparent; }

/** Ecken **/
.b--hard { border-radius:0; }
.b--soft { border-radius:4px; }
.b--softer { border-radius:10px; }

.b-color--0 { border-color:#000000; }
.b-color--1, .b_light { border-color:#000000; }
.b-color--2 { border-color:#000000; }
.b-color--3 { border-color:#000000; }
.b-color--4, .b-color--basic { border-color:#18515b; }
.b-color--5 { border-color:#18515b; }
.b-color--6 { border-color:#3ecbe7; }
.b-color--7, .b-color--dark { border-color:#3ecbe7; }
.b-color--highlight { border-color:#cd0a0a; }
.b-color--warning { border-color:#ff0000; }
.b-color--f-color--0 { border-color:#3ecbe7; }
.b-color--f-color--1 { border-color:#3ecbe7; }

.shadow { box-shadow:0px 0px 8px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-b-l { box-shadow:-4px 4px 8px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-b-r { box-shadow:4px 4px 8px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-t-l { box-shadow:-4px -4px 8px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-t-r { box-shadow:4px -4px 8px #3ecbe7; }

.shadow-t { box-shadow:0px -8px 8px -8px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-b { box-shadow:0px 8px 8px -8px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-l { box-shadow:-8px 0px 8px -8px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-r { box-shadow:8px 0px 8px -8px #3ecbe7; }

.shadow.small-shadow { box-shadow:0px 0px 4px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-b-l.small-shadow { box-shadow:-2px 2px 4px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-b-r.small-shadow { box-shadow:2px 2px 4px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-t-l.small-shadow { box-shadow:-2px -2px 4px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-t-r.small-shadow { box-shadow:2px -2px 4px #3ecbe7; }

.shadow-t.small-shadow { box-shadow:0px -4px 4px -4px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-b.small-shadow { box-shadow:0px 4px 4px -4px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-l.small-shadow { box-shadow:-4px 0px 4px -4px #3ecbe7; }
.shadow-r.small-shadow { box-shadow:4px 0px 4px -4px #3ecbe7; }

/**Scrollbar**//**nur in Webkit-Browsern (Chrome, Edge, Safari)**/
.scrollbar-light::-webkit-scrollbar { width:5px; }
.scrollbar-light::-webkit-scrollbar-button { display:none; }
.scrollbar-light::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color:#18515b; }
.scrollbar-light::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#3ecbe7; border-radius:4px; }

/*** Farben ***/
.bg-color_parent { background-color:inherit; }
.bg-color_color1, .bg-color_light { background-color:#000000; }
.bg-color_color2 { background-color:#000000; }
.bg-color_color3, .bg-color_smooth { background-color:#000000; }
.bg-color_color4 { background-color:#000000; }
.bg-color_color5, .bg-color_strong { background-color:#18515b; }
.bg-color_color6 { background-color:#18515b; }
.bg-color_color7 { background-color:#3ecbe7; }
.bg-color_color8, .bg-color_dark { background-color:#3ecbe7; }
.bg-color_main, .bg-main { background-color:#000000; }

.bg-high--full { background-color:#000000;; }
.bg-high--full---hover { background-color:#18515b;; }
.bg-high-color { background:#000000; }

.bg-color_1-2-h { background:linear-gradient(to right, #000000 10%, #000000 65%); }

.bg-trans--dark { background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.8); }
.bg-trans--light { background-color:rgba(85,85,85,0.8); }

.bg-warning { background-color:#ff0000; }

.bg-transparent { background:transparent; }

/*** float ***/
.float-l { float:left; }
.float-r { float:right; }
.clear-both::after { clear:both; display:block; content:""; }
.clear-left::after { clear:left; display:block; content:""; }
.clear-right::after { clear:right; display:block; content:""; }
.clearfix { clear:both; display:block; }

/*** position ***/
.pos--inherit, .pos--parent { position:inherit; }
.pos--a { position:absolute; } .Pos--a { position:absolute !important; }
.pos--r { position:relative; } .Pos--r { position:relative !important; }
.pos--f { position:fixed; }
.top { top:0; } .Top { top:0 !important; }
.left { left:0; } .Left { left:0 !important; }
.right { right:0; } .Right { right:0 !important; }
.bottom { bottom:0; } .Bottom { bottom:0 !important; }

.top_s-r { top:0.8em; } .Top_s-r { top:0.8em !important; }
.left_s-r { left:0.8em; } .Left_s-r { left:0.8em !important; }
.right_s-r { right:0.8em; } .Right_s-r { right:0.8em !important; }
.bottom_s-r { bottom:0.8em; } .Bottom_s-r { bottom:0.8em !important; }

.fullRight { right:100%; } .FullRight { right:100% !important; }
.fullLeft { left:100%; } .FullLeft { left:100% !important; }

/* Neutralisation */
.top--auto { top:auto; } .Top--auto { top:auto !important; }
.left--auto { left:auto; } .Left--auto { left:auto !important; }
.right--auto { right:auto; } .Right--auto { right:auto !important; }
.bottom--auto { bottom:auto; } .Bottom--auto { bottom:auto !important; }

.vcenter-block { display:block; top:50%; transform:translateY(-50%) scale(1.01); transform-origin:0 0; /*transform:translateY(-50%); -ms-transform:translateY(-50%); zoom:1.01;*/ }
.vcenter-block-cell { display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; }
.hcenter-block { display:block; left:50%; transform:translateX(-50%) scale(1.01); transform-origin:0 0; /*transform:translateX(-50%); -ms-transform:translateX(-50%); zoom:1.01;*/ }
.center-block { display:block; top:50%; left:50%; transform:translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1.01); transform-origin:0 0; /*transform:translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%); -ms-transform:translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%); zoom:1.01;*/ }

.hcenter-easy { margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; }

.center-children--horizontal { display:flex; display:-webkit-flexbox; display:-ms-flexbox; justify-content:center; -ms-flex-pack:center; }
.center-children--horizontal > * { flex-basis:100%; }
.center-children--vertical { display:flex; display:-webkit-flexbox; display:-ms-flexbox; align-items:center; -ms-flex-align:center; }
.center-children--vertical > * { flex-basis:100%; }

.bg-repeat { background-repeat:repeat; }
.bg-norepeat, .bg-single { background-repeat:no-repeat; }
.bg-repeat_x { background-repeat:repeat-x; }
.bg-repeat_y { background-repeat:repeat-y; }
.bg-top { background-position:top; }
.bg-bottom { background-position:bottom; }
.bg-left { background-position:left; }
.bg-right { background-position:right; }
.bg-center { background-position:center; }
.bg-fit, .bg-contain { background-size:contain; }
.bg-grow, .bg-cover { background-size:cover; }

/*die dritte Dimension*/
.nearest, .over9000 { z-index:9001; }
.nearer { z-index:1000; }
.near { z-index:100; }
.far { z-index:1; }
.farthest { z-index:-1; }

/*** Groessen ***/
.w--auto { width:auto; }

.w--50px { width:50px; } .w-max--50px { max-width:50px; }
.w--65px { width:65px; } .w-max--65px { max-width:65px; }
.w--75px { width:75px; } .w-max--75px { max-width:75px; }
.w--100px { width:100px; } .w-max--100px { max-width:100px; }
.w--150px { width:150px; } .w-max--150px { max-width:150px; }
.w--200px { width:200px; } .w-max--200px { max-width:200px; }
.w--250px { width:250px; } .w-max--250px { max-width:250px; }
.w--320px { width:320px; } .w-max--320px { max-width:320px; }
.w--350px { width:350px; } .w-max--350px { max-width:350px; }
.w--400px { width:400px; } .w-max--400px { max-width:400px; }

.w--min-mobile { min-width:320px; } .w-max--min-mobile { max-width:320px; }
.w--min-13em { min-width:13em; }

.w--100 { width:100%; } .w-max--100 { max-width:100%; }
.w--90 { width:90%; }
.w--80 { width:80%; }
.w--75 { width:75%; }
.w--70 { width:70%; }
.w--66 { width:66.66%; }
.w--60 { width:60%; }
.w--50 { width:50%; }
.w--49 { width:49%; }
.w--40 { width:40%; }
.w--33 { width:33.33%; }
.w--30 { width:30%; }
.w--25 { width:25%; }
.w--20 { width:20%; }
.w--10 { width:10%; }

.w--2em { width:2em; }
.w--3em { width:3em; }
.w--20em { width:20em; } .w-max--20em { max-width:20em; }
.w--28em { width:28em } .w-max--28em { max-width:28em; }
.w--68em { width:68em; } .w-max--68em { max-width:68em; }

.w--100vw { width:100vw; } .w-max--100vw { max-width:100vw; }

.w--100-3em { width:calc(100% - 3em); } .w-max--100-3em { max-width:calc(100% - 3em); }
.w--50-3em { width:calc(50% - 3em); }

.h_auto, .h--auto { height:auto; }

.h--1px, .h-min { height:1px; } .h-max--1px { max-height:1px; } .h-min--1px { min-height:1px; }
.h--50px { height:50px; } .h-max--50px { max-height:50px; }
.h--65px { height:65px; } .h-max--65px { max-height:65px; }
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.h--150px { height:150px; } .h-max--150px { max-height:150px; }
.h--200px { height:200px; } .h-max--200px { max-height:200px; }
.h--250px { height:250px; } .h-max--250px { max-height:250px; }
.h--320px { height:320px; } .h-max--320px { max-height:320px; }
.h--350px { height:350px; } .h-max--350px { max-height:350px; }

.h--100 { height:100%; }
.h--50 { height:50%; }
.h--33 { height:33.33%; }
.h--25 { height:25%; }
.h-max--100 { max-height:100%; }

.h--100vh { height:100vh; }
.h-max--100vh { max-height:100vh; }

.h--1em { height:1em; }
.h--2em { height:2em; }
.h--3em { height:3em; }
.h--20em { height:20em; }

.h-max--1em { max-height:1em; }
.h-max--2em { max-height:2em; }
.h-max--3em { max-height:3em; }

/** Bilder **/
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.object-cover, .with-img--w-max--100 .object-cover { object-fit: cover; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

/*** Sichtbarkeit ***/
.hide, .hide_x, .hide_1, .not-empty:empty, .not-empty-next:empty, .not-empty-next + *, .hide-next + *, template { display:none; }
.not-empty-next:empty + *:not(:empty) { display:initial; }
.empty-next-hide:empty + *, .not-empty-hide-all-next:not(:empty) ~ * { display:none; }
.show, .show_x, .show_1 { display:block; }
.hide-first { display:none; }
.show-first { display:block; }
.hidden { visibility:hidden; }
.visible { visibility:visible; }
.hollow { opacitiy:0; }
.full { opacity:1; }
.Hide_x { display:none !important; }

/*** display ***/
#mobileBreakpoint { display:block; }

/* Basics */
.display_b, .block { display:block; }
.display_ib, .inline-block { display:inline-block; }
.display_i, .inline { display:inline; }
.display_n, .none { display:none; }

/*** Flexbox ***/
.flex { display:flex; display:-webkit-flexbox; display:-ms-flexbox; }
@media (min-width:480px){
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.flex-wrap { flex-wrap:wrap; -ms-flex-wrap:wrap; }
.flex-nowrap { flex-wrap:nowrap; -ms-flex-wrap:none; }
.flex-wrap-reverse { flex-wrap:wrap-reverse; -ms-flex-wrap:wrap-reverse; }
.flex-column { flex-direction:column; -ms-flex-direction:column; }
.flex-grow_0 { flex-grow:0; } .flex-grow_1 { flex-grow:1; } .flex-grow_2 { flex-grow:2; } .flex-grow_3 { flex-grow:3; } .flex-grow_4 { flex-grow:4; }
.flex-center_h { justify-content:center; -ms-flex-pack:center; }
.flex-center_v { align-items:center; -ms-flex-align:center; }
.flex-right { justify-content:right; }
.flex-start { align-items:flex-start; }
.flex-end { align-items:flex-end; -ms-flex-align:end; }
.flex-baseline { align-items:baseline; -ms-flex-align:baseline; }
.flex-sb { justify-content:space-between; }
.flex-sa { justify-content:space-around; }
.flex-se { justify-content:space-evenly; }
.flex-stretch { align-items:stretch; }
.flex-samesize { flex:1 1 0px; }
.flex-bottom { align-self:flex-end; }

/* Navigation */
.display-in-row { display:block; }
.display-in-row > * { display:block; float:left; }
.display-in-row::after { clear:left; content:""; display:block; }

/* overflow */
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.oflow_visible { overflow:visible; }
.oflow_scrollX, .scrollX { overflow:scroll-x; }
.oflow_scrollY, .scrollY { overflow:scroll-y; }
.oflow_scroll, .scroll { overflow:scroll; }
.oflow_auto { overflow:auto; }

/* Druckversion */
#printversion a { text-decoration:none; }
#printversion img { vertical-align:middle; margin-right:10px; }

/*** Cursor ***/
.basic { cursor:default; }
.pointer { cursor:pointer; }

/*** Transitions ***/
.trans-short { transition:all 0.3s; }
.trans_bg-color { transition:background-color 0.3s; }
.trans-delay { transition-delay: 0.2s; }

.shuffle-enter, .shuffle-leave-to { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(150px); }
.shuffle-leave-active { position: absolute; }
.shuffle-item { transition:all 1s; }

.slide-fade-enter-active, .slide-fade-leave-active { transition: all .5s ease; }
.slide-fade-enter, .slide-fade-leave-to { transform: translateX(100px); opacity: 0; }

.fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active { transition: opacity 3s; }
.fade-enter, .fade-leave-to { opacity: 0; }

.togglebox {
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.togglebox.collapsed { max-height:0; }

/************** MTS **************/

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@media (min-width:480px){
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@media (min-width:480px){
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#mts-suggestions { display: grid; grid-template-rows: auto min-content; overflow:hidden; }

#mts-results { display:grid; overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:hidden;
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#mts-3rd-column { grid-area:products; text-align: left; }
.mts-caption { border:0px solid #dddddd; border-width:0 0 1px 0; }

.microphone_button { top:0; right:40px; color:#aaaaaa; }

@media (min-width:880px){
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.mts-item:not(:last-child){ border:0px solid #dddddd; border-width:0 0 1px 0; }
.mts-item:hover { background-color:#000000; }

.mts-productdata { text-align:left; padding-left:15px; width: 100%; }
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.mts-item .brand img { max-width:100%; max-height:2em; height:auto; }
.mts-item .name { margin:5px 0; }
.mts-item .name b { color:#3ecbe7; }
.mts-item .number { margin:5px 0; font-size:.8em; color:#3ecbe7; }
.mts-item .price { margin:5px 0; }
.mts-item .eval { margin:5px 0; }

#mts-spellcheck b { color:#3ecbe7; }
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#mts-categories b { color:#3ecbe7; }

@media (min-width:400px){
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.mts-brand img { max-height:2em; max-width:100%; width:auto; height:auto; }
.mts-brand .flex { align-items: center; }

#mts-gosearch { align-self:center; justify-self:center; }

* Alternativ-CSS fuer IE bis 11

@media (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) { /*CSS-Hack*/


  #mts-main { height:100%; }
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/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Eigene Definitionen Teil m
   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#errorDummyForUserInputm { display:none; }

/*** Media Queries ***/
/* bei min-Groessen kleinste zuerst */

/* ************************ min 480px *********************************************************************************** */

@media (min-width:480px){ /*catblog 2-spaltig, catalog Bild links*/
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  /*** Abstaende ***/
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  /*** Rahmen ***/
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  /*** Position ***/
  .pos_a-480 { position:absolute; }

  /** Floating **/
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  /*** spezielle Elemente ***/
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/* ************************ min 640px *********************************************************************************** */

@media (min-width:640px){ /*Detailseite 2-spaltig, catblog 3-spaltig*/
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  .w--30-640 { width:30%; }
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  /*** Video/Bild ***/
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  .ratio_4_3 { width:598px; height:448px; }

  /*** Abstaende ***/
  /** margin **/
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  /** padding **/
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  /*** Rahmen ***/
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  /*** spezielle Elemente ***/
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  .subnavi.grid .pic { height:auto; }

  article.product > section { padding:0; margin-top:15px; }
  .product .picture { width:60%; padding-right:8px; }
  .product .details { width:40%; padding-left:8px; margin-top:0; }
  /** Hilfselement zum Scrollen in der Detailseite **/
  #slideOverlay { display:none; }

  .default_tab { width:33.33%; }

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/* ************************ min 880px *********************************************************************************** */

@media (min-width:880px){ /*catblog 4-spaltig und Desktop*/
  /** Hintergrundbild setzen */
  body {  }

  /** mobiler Umbruch **/
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  .w--60-880 { width:60%; }
  .w--50-880 { width:50%; }
  .w--40-880 { width:40%; }
  .w--33-880 { width:33.33%; }
  .w--30-880 { width:30%; }
  .w--25-880 { width:25%; }
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  .w--10-880 { width:10%; }

  /*** Abstaende ***/
  /** margin **/
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  /** padding **/
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  /*** Video/Bild ***/
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  /* Staffelpreise */
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  /** Navigation-Grid **/
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  /** Filter **/
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  /** Markenauswahl **/
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  #markenauswahl + #breadcrumb > div { padding-left:5px; }

  /** Head-Bereich **/
  #header_content { height:120px; }
  #mobile_logo, #mobileNavigationBox, .mobile-menu-caption, #close_menu, #close_filter { display:none; }

  /* User-Menue */
  .header_options .option { height:30px; }

  /* mobiles Menue */
  #mobileSearchNavigation { height:0; }
  #mobileNavigation.slideleft { display:none; }

  .slideleft { position:static; width:auto; height:auto; box-shadow:none; border:none; z-index:initial; }

  /* Hochscroll-Button auf Desktops */
  #toTopButton { display:none; }

  /* Produktvergleichs-Button auf Desktops */
  .compare-button { bottom:5px; }

  /** spezielle Elemente **/
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:not(:empty) .catalog.grid.cart article .desc-left { width:40%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:empty .catalog.grid.cart article .desc-left,
  #Left:empty ~ #Right:not(:empty) .catalog.grid.cart article .desc-left { width:55%; }
  #Left:empty ~ #Right:empty .catalog.grid.cart article .desc-left { width:60%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:not(:empty) .catalog.grid.cart article .desc-right { width:60%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:empty .catalog.grid.cart article .desc-right,
  #Left:empty ~ #Right:not(:empty) .catalog.grid.cart article .desc-right { width:45%; }
  #Left:empty ~ #Right:empty .catalog.grid.cart article .desc-right { width:40%; }

  #Left:empty ~ #Right:empty .product .picture { width:60%; }
  #Left:empty ~ #Right:empty .product .details { width:40%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:empty .product .picture, #Left:empty ~ #Right:not(:empty) .product .picture { width:50%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:empty .product .details, #Left:empty ~ #Right:not(:empty) .product .details { width:50%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:not(:empty) .product .picture { width:50%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:not(:empty) .product .details { width:50%; }

@media (pointer: fine){
  .tiles.hover > *:not(.disabled):hover > div { box-shadow:0 8px 16px #aaaaaa; }

* Alternativ-CSS fuer IE bis 11

@media (min-width:880px), (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) { /*CSS-Hack*/
  #Left:empty ~ #Right:empty ~ #Middle { width:100%; }
  #Left:empty ~ #Right:not(:empty) ~ #Middle { width:80%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:empty ~ #Middle { width:80%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:not(:empty) ~ #Middle { width:60%; }

/* ************************ min 1200px *********************************************************************************** */

@media (min-width:1200px){
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:empty .product .picture, #Left:empty ~ #Right:not(:empty) .product .picture { width:60%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:empty .product .details, #Left:empty ~ #Right:not(:empty) .product .details { width:40%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:not(:empty) .product .picture { width:50%; }
  #Left:not(:empty) ~ #Right:not(:empty) .product .details { width:50%; }

@media (pointer:coarse){
  #isTouch { display:block; }

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Erweiterungen durch Plugins
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Korrektur der Formularelemente fuer iOS-Geraete
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@supports (-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch) {
  select, textarea, input, /*label,*/ .button_default, .button_high { font-size: 16px; }
  .input-field > label { top: 16px; }
  input[type="radio"] { border-radius:1em; }
  input:checked{ background-color:#3ecbe7; }
  .button_high.big { padding:0.8em 1em; }

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@media print {
  /*** Allgemeines ***/
  .no-print { display:none !important; }
  #Main { border:none; }
  .caption-box { border:none; padding:0; }
  #shop { padding:0 !important; }
  .button_high, .button_put2cart { color:#3ecbe7; border:1px solid; border-color: #000000 #000000 #18515b #18515b; }

  /* JS Plugins */
  div[id^="tsbadge"] { visibility:hidden; }

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Eigene Definitionen Teil 2
   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#logo { position:absolute; top:5px; left:30px; width:335px; height:85px; }
#logo a { display:block; width:340px; height:91px; }

.ev-icon { background-image:url(../nav/icons_ffffff.png); }
.v_menu a.level1 { padding:4px 2px 4px 25px; }

.nivo-controlNav a { background-image:url(../nav/nivo-slider-bullets_3ecbe7.png); }
.nivo-html-caption-text { color:#ffffff; font-size:16px; }

.product_table { width:778px; cellpadding:20px; vertical-align:middle; }

.product_rahmen { background-color:#eade92; border-color:#7cb632; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; }
.product_headline { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; align:center; }

.product_zeile { height:42px; margin-bottom: 20px; vertical-align:middle; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }

mt-m { margin-top:10px; }

table.tsubnav td.tsubnav { width:50%; vertical-align:top; text-align:center; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; padding:10px 0; }
#errorDummyForUserInput { display:none; }